A. How to Draw a Giraffe in 11 easy steps
Few animals capture the imagination the way a giraffe does. They are instantly recognizable and iconic, with their long necks and spots. Drawing a giraffe might seem challenging, but this tutorial makes it simple!
How To Draw A Giraffe (Version 1)

- Pencil
- Paper
- Coloring Material
Step 1: Draw The Eye
For the first step, you’ll draw the eye of the giraffe. Begin with a horizontal teardrop shape. Add a line near the corner to create the pupil. Add another line to create the iris. Draw a small curved line above and slightly to the right of the eye to create a brow line.
Step 2: Start the Chin And The Nose
Next, you’ll draw the chin area. Begin below and to the left of the eye. Draw a line that moves left and curves down, stopping when it reaches the end of the line lines up with the center of the eye. Add a small circle above the beginning of the line for the nose.
Step 3: Draw the Giraffe’s Head
Now you’ll draw the head. First, you’ll add a smile. Draw a small vertical line, beginning at the center point of the previous line. Then add a horizontal line beginning at the vertical line, and extending just past the nose. Curve up, and extend the line to the right.
The first horn should be above the eye. Draw a straight line up, curve out, then curve in and down. Curve back up and to the right, then in and down again. Draw another straight line down to complete the horn. Curve to the right and down. To draw the second horn, draw a straight line up, curve out, then curve in and down. Curve back up and to the right, then in and down again. Draw another straight line down to complete the horn.
Curve down and out for the next portion of the head. Now you’ll draw the ear. Draw a line to the right with a slight arch at the center. Bring the line down and to the left, arching out at the center. Draw a line through the center of the ear, curving down slightly and then back up at the halfway point. Draw a line down curving slightly to the left to complete the back of the head.
The next ear will go in front of the first horn. Draw a line up, curving out to the right and then back in. Bring the line down, arching to the left and back in to create the other side of the ear. Add a line through the ear, beginning at the head and extending up to the tip of the ear.
Step 4: Draw The Neck And The Tail
Begin at the base of the head. Draw a line down moving slightly to the right. To create the rump, bring the line out still moving slightly down. Curve the line down. To create the tail, begin by curving down, then curve up, still moving slightly to the right. For the end of the tail, arch out to the left and up, then down and out to the right. To complete the tail, follow the first tail line, curving down and to the left. Draw two lines in the end of the tail.
Step 5: Start Drawing The Hind Legs
Next, you’ll draw the back leg. Beginning at the base of the tail, draw a line down. Curve the line out and in at the halfway point to create the knee, then continue bringing the line down.
Curve the line to the left at the end of the leg. Bring the line back up, lightly curving in to the right, then out to the left. Stop the line slightly lower than the first line of the leg. To draw the hoof, draw a line down and then curve sharp to the left. Draw a short line to the left, and then bring the line back up until it meets the bottom of the leg. Add a line in the center of the hoof.
Step 6: Finish Drawing The Hind Legs
Begin slightly below the second leg line. To create the stomach, draw a line to the left, arching out at the center. To draw the second back leg, begin at the halfway point of the stomach line. Draw a line down, curving in and back out. Bring the line right, and then back up, meeting the line of the first leg. To draw the hoof, draw a line down and then curve sharp to the left. Draw a short line to the left, and then bring the line back up until it meets the bottom of the leg. Add a line in the center of the hoof.
Step 7: Draw The Front Legs
Now you’ll draw the front legs. Begin at the end of the stomach line, drawing a line down with a curve out and in at the center to create the knee. Bring the line to the left, and then up to complete the leg. To draw the hoof, draw a line down and then curve sharp to the left. Draw a short line to the left, and then bring the line back up until it meets the bottom of the leg. Add a line in the center of the hoof.
Begin the second leg by drawing a line down to the left of the last line. Bring the line down, curving right at the bottom of the leg, and moving back up until it reaches the line of the other leg. To draw the hoof, draw a line down and then curve sharp to the left. Draw a short line to the left, and then bring the line back up until it meets the bottom of the leg. Add a line in the center of the hoof.
Step 8: Finish Drawing The Outline
To draw the neck, begin at the bottom head line. Bring the line down, curving slightly to the right. When you reach the body of the giraffe, arch out and back in to create the chest.
Step 9: Draw the Mane
To draw the mane, begin just below the ear. Bring the line down following the neckline and moving the line in and out to create a wavy appearance.
Step 10: Start Adding The Spots
To create the spots on the neck, draw wavy half circle shapes.
Step 11: Finish Up Your Giraffe
To create the spots on the body, draw wavy circles or loose square shapes with rounded corners. Follow the same process for the legs.

B. How to Draw a Giraffe in 9 Easy Steps
Giraffes are the tallest mammal animals that are found in the continent of Africa. Their neck makes them the tallest ones. The tongue of the giraffe is long too, it is long as 20 inches, this is perfect for grabbing food out of tall trees. Giraffes are herbivores, which means that they only eat plants. Baby giraffes are called calves they don’t eat plants they only drink milk.
Most of them sleep only 30 minutes a day to survive. Another fact, giraffes sleep seating down but usually, they sleep standing up so they run right away if there is a predator that trying to get them. Giraffes live up to 25 years.
Let’s draw our own giraffes by following the steps below. Prepare your drawing materials like pencil, paper, and coloring materials.
How to Draw a Giraffe (Version 2)

- Pencil
- Paper
- Coloring Material
Step 1: Draw the Head and the Body
Let’s start your giraffe by drawing the head and the body. To draw the head, draw a vertical oval shape on the upper right side of your paper. For the body, draw a horizontal oval shape on the lower left side of your paper. These two oval shapes look like an egg.
Step 2: Start the Neck
Now that we are done with the head and body, let’s connect the two by drawing the neck of the giraffe. You’ll just simply draw a vertical line from the right lower portion of the head going down to the body of the giraffe. Then, from the left side of the head go to the upper portion of the body. You can put a little curve to the vertical line to really connect the neck to the body.
Step 3: Add the Legs
For the legs, draw two oval shapes on the lower portion of the body. The distance between the two legs must be 2 inches apart. The oval shape must overlap the body to make sure that the body and the legs are connected.
Step 4: Draw the Eyes and the Ears
To draw the eyes of the giraffe, draw two small circles in the head. The left eye is just a little bigger than the right eye. From the upper portion of the head, draw a curved line, then erase the curve line on the top of the head. On both edges of the upper portion of the head, draw a small oval shape. That will serve as the ears of the giraffe.
Step 5: Add the Tails and Remove Lines
The next thing that we need to do is to draw the tail of the giraffe. Draw it on the lower left side of the body. Draw a pair of diagonal lines then connect with a small curve line on the tip of it. Remove extra lines from the legs, and erase the lines that overlap with the body. Enclose the lower portion of the head, and draw a curve line facing downward.
Step 6: Draw the Mouth and the Nose
We are done enclosing the lower portion of the face of your giraffe. Let’s add the Mouth and Nose in that area. For the nose, simply draw two small circles. Then, draw a letter C facing upward for the mouth of your giraffe. Erase the lines that separate the legs and the body. Add a shaded crescent shape in the circle that you made earlier for the eyes.
Step 7: Complete the Tail and Horns
On the tip of the tail of your giraffe, draw a small circle. For the horns, draw two pairs of short vertical lines, and on the tip of it, draw a small circle. Inside the ears, add a small vertical oval shape. To emphasize the hoof of our giraffe, enclose the last part of the leg through curve lines.
Step 8: Add Patterns to the Body
In this step, add some patterns of an irregular shape to the neck and body of the giraffe. Draw an irregular shape or a half-circle on the left side of the neck of your giraffe. Same with the neck, draw an irregular shape to the upper part of the body of the giraffe.
Step 9: Finish up!
To complete your drawing, add some colors to your giraffe. In this step, you may show your creativity by putting colors on your giraffe. If you are done adding colors to it don’t forget to show it to your family. Congratulations on a job well-done kiddo.
Watch detailed video tutorial

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