It’s highly likely for you to think of mean animals when you think of crocodiles. But, you’d be amazed to know that these animals don’t just attack humans. This is why crocodile coloring pages can make an interesting learning experience for your kids. You can have a lot of fun coloring in their strong jaws and their scaly skin. However, it’s important for your kids to learn more about these scary looking reptiles. You should keep on reading to find out more.
Welcome to our collection of free CROCODILE coloring pages. Click the Crocodile pictures or illustrations you like and you’ll be taken to the PDF download and/or print page. Every Crocodile coloring page is a printable PDF and/or can be downloaded.
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What Does a Crocodile Look Like?
Have you ever noticed that crocodiles are covered in dry and scaly skin? Well, the thing is that they are cold-blooded animals. That means that they cannot control their body temperature to make themselves warmer. They also have a strong backbone. According to research, crocodiles have been around for millions of years. In fact, they have lived on earth ever since dinosaurs roamed the earth. This is why sometimes they are called “living fossils”.
They have very streamlined bodies that make it easy for them to slide through anything. In addition, this makes it simpler for crocodiles to slide in any water to catch their prey before it escapes. They can be massive in size, growing over 23 feet in length and weighing approximately 2000lbs. Crocodiles are huge reptiles.
Where Do They Live?
Since crocodiles are generally huge reptiles, they need to live in an area that has lots of water. Their body temperature makes it easy for them to live in different types of environments. But they need to live in areas that are warm. This is why you usually find them in tropical regions such as Africa, Asia, Australia, North and South America.
Since they tend to enjoy living in tropical climates, they eat the food that is mostly found there. Things like frogs, fish, and other types of small animals. However, it depends on their size as well. For instance, the larger types can hunt for bigger animals like Buffalo, deer, or even wild boar.
How Do They Hunt?
Unlike alligators, crocodiles are very fast in both land and water. This is how they can ambush their prey and attack as soon as you get close. What makes them more dangerous is that they have excellent night vision and a very strong sense of smell. So, not only can they see you in the dark, but they can also smell you from miles away before you can even notice them. Another interesting thing about crocodiles that makes them very dangerous is that they have a very acidic stomach. This helps them to digest any bones, hooves, and even horns.
Quick Facts About Crocodiles
- Even though they are considered dangerous predators, crocodiles are social in nature. They prefer to live near each other
- They are very vocal. So, they communicate using different vocal sounds with each other. Moreover, they use various sounds that mean different things.
- Their snouts are more pointed than alligators. Plus, their bottom and top jaws are the exact same size.
- They can give off a hissing sound to tell each other if there’s a threat nearby.
- The females use different vocal sounds when they are communicating with each other in comparison to when they’re talking to males.