You’ve got plenty of free cheetah coloring pages. One of the downloadable illustrations shows a cute cheetah in the middle of trees and leaves. Kids can use crayons to paint the cheetah’s spots and the vegetation.
Welcome to our collection of free CHEETAH coloring pages. Click the cheetah pictures or illustrations you like and you’ll be taken to the PDF download and/or print page. Every cheetah coloring page is a printable PDF and/or can be downloaded.
A cute illustration of a cheetah surrounded by beautiful flowers of different types.
A beautifully drawn illustration of a cheetah looking far away under a tree.
An illustration of a chetah leaping on the grass with a mountain in the background.
An illustration of a cheetah standing on a rock with a mountain in the background.
An illustration of a cheetah hunting a cute hairy rabbit.
A beautifully drawn cheetah lying on the ground beside a tree.
An illustration of a cheetah resting on top of a tree with a sun and rainbow in the background.
An illustration of a cheetah lying on the ground with trees in the background.
An illustration of a cheetah sitting on the grass in an open plain.
An illustration of a cheetah crouching on top of a rock and ready to hunt.
A beautiful illustration of a cheetah running very quick in the grasslands.
An illustration of a mama cheetah sitting together with her three cute cubs.
An illustration of a mama cheetah standing on a rock together with her baby.
An illustration of a cheetah resting on big tree branch.
An adult cheetah walking near the grass in front of a huge tree.
An illustration of an adult cheetah with different kinds of leaves around it.
An intricate drawing of two cheetahs lying near each other on the grass.
A beautifully drawn adult cheetah standing in the rocks with trees and starts in the background.
A cute baby cheetah standing on a rock with a dead tree and a vulture in the background.
An illustration of a cutely drawn yet lonely looking baby cheetah sitting on a rock.
An illustration of an adult cheetah sitting around flowers and butterflies.
An illustration of a cute cheetah posing in front of a palm tree.
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Fun Cheetah Facts for Kids
1. You must be familiar with the big cat family. Cheetahs are part of this family. They may look like leopards, but they’re different. Cheetahs have rounded spots and tears, which are black lines from their eyes to their mouths.
2. Talk about speed. These wild animals are the fastest, cruising at 112km/h. Their long legs, long tail, elongated spine, and unique claws make cheetahs move at lightning speed. Another fascinating thing is that cheetahs can even turn their bodies around in mid-air while running.
3. A cheetah has excellent eyesight and speed. As a result, it hunts during the day. It also wants to avoid competing with lions, leopards, and other predators.
4. The mother cheetah always stays with her cubs but only meets the male cheetah for mating.
5. Female cheetahs can have up to eight cubs in a litter. The cubs stay with the mother for around 16 to 24 months and then leave when they can hunt for themselves. Cheetahs’ life span is about 20 years.
6. A lion is known for roaring, especially the male ones. But cheetahs don’t roar. They let out chirping sounds if they sense some danger. Or make purring noises when they’re excited.
7. Cheetahs are peaceful animals. When other animals attack cheetahs to grab their prey, they back off. Cheetahs don’t like fighting other animals. They’re not aggressive.
8. Like other wild endangered animals, cheetahs’ numbers are falling. Their food sources are becoming fewer and fewer.
9. Cheetahs eat deer, baby zebra, and other small animals.
You’re now a cheetah specialist. Congrats! Now let’s jump into other fun stuff about these amazing big cats. Here’s a great collection of free cheetah coloring pages your kids will enjoy shading. These printable pictures are excellent educational materials for preschool, early elementary, kindergarten, and older kids.
After completing the coloring pages, kids can create a beautiful cheetah coloring book.
Free CHEETAH Coloring Pages for Download (Printable PDF)
Another coloring page children will have fun drawing is a leaping cheetah. The cheetah is jumping on the grass, and there’s a mountain in the background. Using a colored pencil, children can show the cheetah’s muscles.
There’s another coloring sheet with a cheetah hunting a cute hairy rabbit. Kids will enjoy the race between the predator and the prey. Will the cheetah catch the rabbit?
Children love the rainbow. This cheetah coloring page shows the wild animal relaxing on top of a tree. Kids will paint the sun and the rainbow in the background. Parents can talk about the magnificent rainbow colors.
More Free Printable Coloring Pages
How does a cheetah hunt? Check out this cheetah printable coloring page. Here, a cheetah is crouching on top of a rock, preparing to pounce on another animal.
So many free printable coloring pages. Your kids will also paint an illustration with a cheetah speeding in the grasslands. You can remind the little ones that the cheetah is the fastest land animal.
Oh, yes, there are many more animal coloring pages. You’ve got a worksheet with mama cheetah sitting comfortably with her three cute cubs. Kindergarten kids can learn to count in sets of three.
As kids paint more cheetah coloring pages, they improve their fine motor skills and color recognition. These printable pictures are a perfect gift for your child. You can have fun together while working on the worksheets.
Cheers to cheetah coloring pages! Have great fun!