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How to Draw a Chili Pepper in 10 Easy Steps


How to Draw a Chili Pepper in easy steps.

Everyone’s tolerance for chili pepper is different. This fruit of plants of the genus Capsicum, which are members of the nightshade family, Solanaceae, is the chili pepper, sometimes known as chili pepper or more commonly just referred to as a “chili.” Despite the fact that chilis are sometimes considered vegetables, their primary use in food is as a spice, and the plant’s fruit is typically collected, botany classified it as a berry shrub. 
Chili peppers and their various cultivators originate in the Americas; chili peppers and their numerous cultivars are now cultivated all over the world due to their widespread use in food as spices or vegetables as well as in medicinal. 

If you love to draw your own chili pepper, this step-by-step tutorial will help you draw this.

How to Draw a Chilli Pepper

Drawing chili pepper in simple steps.


  • Pencil or Marker
  • Paper


Step 1: Start the Guide

First step in making chilli pepper.

First, we have to draw the guide for making the upper portion of the chili pepper.  Just simply draw a big circle. Then, on the bottom part of the circle draw a long vertical line and then a slightly curved line on the tip. This will serve as the guide in making the body of the chili pepper.

Step 2: Draw the Body

Second step in drawing chili pepper.

For the chili pepper’s body, just simply follow the guide that we’ve drawn earlier. Do this on both sides of the circle then slightly going downward. Make sure that on the bottom part the space goes narrower. See the reference image above for you to be guided. 

Step 3: Add the Stalk and Remove the Guide

Third step in drawing chili pepper.

This time, we will add the stalk for our chili pepper. To do this, just simply draw two irregular lines on the top of the chili pepper. Then, erase the lines that are found inside the chili pepper but don’t include the borders.

Step 4: Add Details

Fourth step in drawing chili pepper.

The stalk must be connected to the body with that let’s add a small curved line on the upper portion of the chili then close the upper portion of the stalk with a short line. See the reference image above.

Step 5: Complete Stem

Fifth step in drawing chili pepper.

Now, let’s erase some lines in the drawing. We do this, by simply erasing the line that is found in the bottom part of the stalk. See the reference image above for you to be guided.

Step 6: Add the Leaves

Sixth step in drawing Chili pepper.

Plants are empty without leaves, so let’s add green to our chili pepper. Draw two small teardrop shapes on the bottom part of the stalk. These two leaves are drawn on top of the chili pepper and connected to the bottom part of the stalk. 

Step 7: Add more Leaves and the Eye Guide

Seventh step in drawing chili pepper.

This time, I want you to draw a small circle on the top portion of the stalk. Then, add one teardrop shape to the center of the two leaves that you’ve drawn earlier. Lastly, draw two circles on the upper portion of the chili pepper and these two must overlap on both sides of the body of the chili pepper. 

Step 8: Add Leaves and Remove Lines

Eight step in drawing chili pepper.

The chili still looks so empty, let’s add more leaves to our chili pepper, draw this in the center of the big leaves. Just simply draw a small letter V that is connected to the big leaves. Then, erase the lines found in the eye guide. 

Step 9: Complete the Eyes and the Mouth

Ninth step in drawing Chili pepper.

In this step, just erase the lines that are found in the leaves. After that draw a shaded circle inside each eye guide. Then draw an inverted letter C below the eyes. This will serve as the mouth of the chili. See the reference image above for what it looks like.

Step 10: Finish up!

Final step in drawing chili pepper with color.

For the final step, let’s color your chili pepper. Pick the color you like for your chili pepper. Chilli pepper is always red or green. But I’ll give you the freedom to choose what color you like for it. Make sure that the stalk and leaves are always brown.

More vegetable drawing tutorials: Carrot | Eggplant | Radish | Red Onion 

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