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How to Draw a Carrot in 15 Easy Steps

how to draw a carrot

Carrots are good for your health. Packed with beta-carotene, a pigment that gives carrots their bright orange color, carrots help maintain healthy eyes, skin, teeth, and muscles. Carrots are also rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidant compounds. As part of a balanced diet, they can help support immune function, reduce the risk of some cancers, and promote wound healing and digestive health.

Carrots have a simple shape making them an easy vegetable to draw. If you are a beginner looking to draw something easy this may be a good step-by-step tutorial that will help you.

How to Draw a Carrot

Drawing cute carrots in simple steps.


Step 1: Draw the Guide

Drawing a slanting line first step in drawing carrots.

Start the drawing of the carrots by making a quick slanting line sketch of their outer shape. You can use a ruler to get a perfect long slanting line. This will serve as the guide for drawing the carrots. See the reference image above for you to be guided.

Step 2: Draw another Line

Second step in drawing carrots.

Let’s make more guides to get the perfect shape of the carrots. Sketch a short slanting line on the upper left portion of the slanting line that you’ve drawn earlier. Then this slanting line must be connected to the long slanting line.

Step 3: Add other Lines

Drawing lines to make a triangle.

Now, let’s add two more slanting lines to our drawing. Draw a slanting line on both edges of the short slanting line that you’ve drawn earlier. Start drawing from the edges of the short slanting line then drag it down to the first slanting line that you have drawn in step one.

Step 4: Remove Extra Lines

Removing extra line to form the body of the carrots.

This step is very simple, all you must do is erase some lines. Let’s remove the extra line on the center because later, we will sketch the outer shape of our first carrot in this tutorial. Make sure to erase only the line in the center. Do not include the borders.

Step 5: Draw the Outer Shape of the Carrots

Draw the outer lines of the carrots.

Now, start sketching the outer shape of the carrot inside the guide. The edges must be round then make it narrower at the bottom and wider as it goes up. It should then again get slightly narrower towards the very top of your carrot.

Step 6: Add Guide

Removing extra lines and drawing circles.

To make our drawing easier, let’s draw the guide to draw the leave of your carrot. Draw 6 circles on the top of the carrots. We do this by drawing a circle on the top of the carrot. Surround the top portion of the carrot with small circles. Some circles might overlap with the other circles.

Step 7: Add More Circles

Adding multiple circles to form the leaves of the carrots.

If you’re going to look at the finished product of the carrot, there are so many leaves to it. Now, let’s add more circles to our drawing to get what we want for our leaves. Be sure that the circles are connected by overlapping them with the other circles. 

Step 8: Remove Extra Lines

Removing extra lines to make the leaves of the carrot.

I think the leaves are already formed using those circles. This time, carefully erase the curve inside the border of the connected circles. Start erasing the curved line on the upper portion. After that, erase the curve line on the lower portion inside the border of the mixed circles.

Step 9: Add Stem

Add the stem of the carrots.

This time let’s add the stem to our drawing to connect the leaves and the carrot. We do this by drawing lines in between the leaves and the carrot. Draw two short lines on the upper portion and two short lines on the lower portion.

Step 10: Add Details

Adding the details of the carrot stem.

Our stems are very thin, now to make them thicker add more lines on each stem. Be sure that the lines are parallel to the line beside it. The two lines in the middle will cross each other. Again, this stem must be connected to the carrot and leaves.

Step 11: Remove Extra Lines

Removing the details of the carrot stem.

Now, let’s remove lines that separate the leave to the stem. I want you to erase the lines that cover the stem going to the leaves. Erase only those lines that have a stem. Do not include the lines that have no stem.

Step 12: Draw the Eye Guide

Adding circles for the carrots eye.

To create the eye guide you must draw two sizes of circles. Draw this on the upper portion of the carrot. The circle on the left side must be bigger than the circle on the right side. This two-eye guide will overlap with each other to stay connected.

Step 13: Draw the Eyeballs, mouth, and more Carrots

Adding eyes and smile to the carrots.

Sketch another slanting line on the top of the first carrot. Start drawing a slanting line from the top of the carrot going upward. Then another slanting line beside it and one more line after the second slanting line that you’ve drawn. 

For the eyeball, draw a shaded circle inside the eye guide then draw a small letter C under the eyes. This will serve as the mouth of the carrot.

Step 14: Add Stem, Leaves, Eyes, and Mouth

Adding multiple carrots with eyes.

The next thing that you need to draw is to sketch the outer shape of all the carrots. After that, draw the stem and the leaves by following the sketch of the first carrot. Then, on the upper portion of the carrot, draw the eyes and the mouth. Just simply follow the step on how to draw the eyes and the mouth.

Step 15: Finish up!

Final step in drawing carrots with colors.

To finish your tutorial, color your carrot according to its color above. Watercolor, paint, or colored pencils can all be good options for your carrots. Show your creativity by coloring the carrots. Congratulation kiddos!

More guide on how to draw other vegetables: Eggplant | Radish | Red Onion | Chilli Pepper

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