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How to Make a Flamingo Birthday Card with Easy Steps (for Kids)


How to Make a Pink Flamingo Birthday Card (Paper Craft for Kids)

Step-by-step instructions for making a fun pink flamingo birthday card (or card for any occasion).
Prep Time 5 minutes
Craft Time 30 minutes
Total Time 35 minutes
YouTube video


  • 2 Pieces Pink Paper
  • 1 Piece Yellow Paper
  • 1 Glue Stick
  • 1 Pencil
  • 1 Pair Scissors
  • 1 Marker


  • Take pink piece of paper and fold it in half.
    Fold pink paper in half
  • Trace your hand on the pink piece of paper. Do so in a way so that the thumb is up against the folded side of the paper.
    Trace your hand
  • Cut out the hand but do not cut around the outer side of the thumb. You want it so when cut out, the hand folds open and closed.
    Cut out hand
  • Take the other piece of pink paper and draw the shape as shown. This will be the head and neck of the flamingo.
    Draw shape
  • Cut out the head and neck.
    Cut out shape
  • IMPORTANT: The fold side of the hand is at the top so that the card wil open upward. Glue the head and neck to the body as shown.
    Glue head and neck to flamingo body
  • Draw the beak on a yellow piece of paper as shown.
    Draw beak on yellow paper
  • Cut out beak.
    Cut out beak
  • Glue beak to the head.
    Glue beak onto head
  • Draw the eye with marker or some other coloring option. A simple round circle will do.
    Draw eye
  • On the second piece of pink paper, draw a long thin rectangle. Cut it out and glue to the bottom of the body as shown.
    Cut out and glue rear leg onto body
  • Draw and cut out a similar length second leg. Fold it and glue to the flamingo body as shown.
    Cut out, fold and glue front leg onto body
  • Write your birthday message on the inside of the card. Note, you can use this card for any occassion… not just birthdays.
    Write card message inside
  • You're done.


This flamingo card can be used for birthdays or any occassion.
It’s actually a very simple, clever way to create a realistic-looking flamingo.
This craft is good for kids from 4 to 9 years old.  Younger kids might need some help, depending on how adept they are at cutting and following instructions.
Keyword Birthday Car, Paper Craft

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