I must say that I am terrified of sharks. But, I am also fascinated by sharks as well. The paradox of feelings regarding this apex predator of the ocean sometimes gives me fits. Yet, I know that I am not the only one who is both terrified and fascinated by these magnificent creatures. So, for those shark enthusiasts who never miss Shark Week, the fans of films like Jaws or The Meg, or those kiddies that love the Pinkfong Baby Shark videos, there are some excellent shark coloring pages for you. Here are some of the most popular options that can be used.

Welcome to our collection of free SHARKS coloring pages. Click the Sharks pictures or illustrations you like and you’ll be taken to the PDF download and/or print page. Every Sharks coloring page is a printable PDF and/or can be downloaded.
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Hammerhead Sharks
The hammerhead shark is famous due to its unique shape. Hammerheads are not the largest shark in the ocean, but they are perhaps the most distinct. I recently saw a picture of a huge hammerhead that had been caught, and I would not want to encounter one of these in the water. With eyes on the sides of their hammer-shaped head, they move their heads back and forth as they swim to see where they are going. However odd, this iconic shark is a fan favorite and is a must-have for some of your shark coloring pages.
Great White Sharks
These monsters of the ocean entered popular culture with Steven Spielberg’s blockbuster Jaws. After this movie, the term great-white-shark brought images of a boat-sized shark with a mouth perfect for devouring humans. Great whites are some of the giant sharks in the ocean and have been used to terrify audiences for decades now. No shark coloring book or printable sheets are complete without a picture of a great white.
I remember visiting an aquarium where there was a replica of a megalodon’s jaw. It was positioned so people could stand behind it as if they were inside the giant mouth with the teeth clamping down. That is when I realized I was the perfect-sized appetizer for this prehistoric fish. Thankfully, megalodons are extinct. But that hasn’t stopped artists, movie makers, and popular culture from making these giant sharks a huge deal. There are some terrifying pictures reimagining megalodons in today’s world. Many of these pictures showcase the alarming scale of how much bigger this shark is than a human being.
Baby Shark
Pinkfong’s Baby Shark is much more my speed when imagining and viewing shark-related media (but I still don’t trust that family of sharks). The extremely catchy and borderline annoying song and cartoon has enthralled kids and toddlers for years now. There are now baby shark games, merchandise, and even a new tv show. For those looking for a less realistic or frightening option for shark coloring pages, you can look into the Baby Shark franchise by Pinkfong.
Other Sharks
Now I know that we have only covered some of the most iconic shark types, but there are many more. If your kid is learning about sharks, perhaps they are excited about coloring many different species. Kids may want to find a shark coloring sheet featuring a whale shark, or a lemon shark, a tiger shark, a nurse shark, or a bull shark. Regardless of the species of shark, get out your crayons or colored pencils and get ready for some sharp teeth and fun with some shark-themed coloring page featuring the scariest creatures in the sea.