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Free NUMBER Coloring Pages for Download (Printable PDF)

Welcome to our collection of free NUMBER coloring pages. Click the NUMBER pictures or illustrations you like and you’ll be taken to the PDF download and/or print page. Every NUMBER coloring page is a printable PDF and/or can be downloaded.

NUMBER coloring pages


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Teaching math is one of the issues that many homeschool educators have. Finding the right math curriculum that teaches your child and also keeps them engaged may seem like a daunting task. However, you can actually use number coloring pages to help teach basic math skills and give your child more practice with their basic math. Here are some types of number coloring pages and how to build them into your child’s math curriculum. 

Number Tracing

Tracing numbers and coloring them offers a variety of benefits for your child. Your child can learn how to write and form numbers from repeated tracing activities. They can also learn how to write the words for the numbers, spell them, and the proper ways to hold their writing tool. This repeated writing and tracing also help strengthen the muscles in the hand which can help with better handwriting performance and pencil grip. 

Color by Number

Color by number coloring pages can be found in a number of designs and styles. The color by number concept uses two or more colors to create a picture. Areas of the design are sectioned off and contain a number. Your child then finds the color to the corresponding number and uses it to color in the appropriate areas. This helps teach a child how to connect a concept, follow basic directions, and solve basic puzzles. It also reinforces numbers and what they look like. For preschool students, these types of coloring pages are an ideal part of unit study bundles. 

Color by Math

Color by math coloring pages is similar to number coloring pages based on color by number instructions. The color by math pages uses basic addition or subtraction problems as a way to determine what color the area needs to be. For example, you may see several sections that are marked with problems like “2 + 5 =.” Your child will solve the problem and find the color that corresponds to the answer. They can then fill in the colors and create the picture or solve the puzzle. These pages can be used from first grade up through fourth grade or higher. You can even expand these coloring pages to be used for higher-level math like multiplication and division. 

Math Mats

Math mats are a way of mixing number coloring pages and activity pages. This option gives your child several activities on one page. Many of these math mats can be printed and laminated or put in a reusable dry erase sleeve. Your child will move from activity to activity as they learn how to count, how to add, subtract, and write the number as well as spell the number. Your children can also use the math mats to reinforce concepts they are learning in basic math and strengthen their number memory for future math studies. Math mats may also incorporate coloring along with other ways of expression including using modeling clay to create the numbers on the coloring mat. 

Counting Objects

Counting objects is an ideal way to enforce number memory, counting, adding, subtracting, and even greater than or less than concepts. A counting objects number page may focus on additional or subtraction problems that all result in the same number. They may also include basic math problems or be used with word problems as a way to view the problem and work it out. These objects may be animals, people, or buildings. You can also use the counting objects coloring pages to work through word problems and sort the information found in them. 

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