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Free MORTAL COMBAT Coloring Pages (Printable PDF)

Welcome to our collection of free MORTAL COMBAT coloring pages. Click the MORTAL COMBAT pictures or illustrations you like and you’ll be taken to the PDF download and/or print page. Every MORTAL COMBAT coloring page is a printable PDF and/or can be downloaded.

mortal combat coloring pages

Mortal Combat Illustrations 22Download/Print
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It was 1999. My brother and I would turn on the PlayStation to play Mortal Kombat until our eyes were heavy. Finding which character to play was only half of the excitement. Playing against my brother, not knowing which keys did what, and watching the characters kick and punch on-screen, is what every person can remember when it comes to Mortal Komat. 

Mortal Kombat began in 1992 as a combat game with a multiplayer option. The game gained a lot of success, leading to a franchise with multiple games, movies, and phone games. Mortal Kombat is known for its finishing moves, the final moves for a player to win. 

The world of Mortal Kombat revolves around eighteen worlds or realms. After a player wins a certain number of matches, they then take over a realm and begin to play a new game. Each game has different main characters that have a backstory on why they joined the Mortal Kombat games.

The original Mortal Kombat from 1992 focused on the characters: Johnny Cage, Kano, Liu Kang, Raiden, Scorpion, Sonya Blade, Sub-Zero, Goro, Shang Tsung, Reptile. Each character had his or her personality, moves, and backstory. The subsequent games added more characters for children and gamers to enjoy and relate to. Mortal Kombat is still popular today, coming out with new games and characters for the younger generations to enjoy. 

Why Do Children Love Mortal Kombat?

Children love Mortal Kombat because it is a diverse world filled with different universes, characters, and maps. Some parents are wary of Mortal Kombat because it is known for its violent depictions of fighting. However, it gives them a moment to feel empathy for the losing player. The game has subtitles so a child can read through the dialog. It enriches their vocabulary and reading skills while doing something fun! With all the different characters in Mortal Kombat, there is no doubt many different cultures within the game. It helps children have a worldly view, seeing characters with different backstories all over the world. Mortal Kombat is progressive in its cultural impact and has strong female characters.

Why Should Children Color Mortal Kombat?

Mortal Kombat is an American video game franchise that all children love. Mortal Kombat has a host of characters that each person or child can relate to. With each character being different, anyone can enjoy Mortal Kombat. When it comes to coloring, Mortal Kombat is very engaging to color. Children can color something they are familiar with and get excited about. Mortal Kombat has extended its excitement to each generation since its debut in the 90s. The world of Mortal Kombat is colorful and filled with different worlds and characters. There is an endless possibility when coloring scenes and characters from this game. It will expand children’s creativity and allow them to be more expressive through Mortal Kombat. 

Why Is Coloring Mortal Kombat Exciting?

Children love the world of Mortal Kombat and its characters. Coloring Mortal Kombat will only add to the fun outside of video games. There are not many times a child can color something that they are familiar with and enjoy. Mortal Kombat has a vivid world filled with different characters, universes, and scenes. It is bound to spark a child’s imagination, and it can easily be exciting to color Mortal Kombat. They can even add to the lore of Mortal Kombat by having the color pages at their disposal. Their creativity is running rampant, fueled by a game that they love to play. Mortal Kombat coloring pages can bring excitement to coloring for a child who loves video games, and simply loves the world of Mortal Kombat.

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