Welcome to our collection of free LAMB coloring pages. Click the Abby Hatcher pictures or illustrations you like and you’ll be taken to the PDF download and/or print page. Every coloring page is a printable PDF and/or can be downloaded.
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My father grew up on a ranch out West, and he loved to tell me stories about life on the farm when I was a child. We also spent at least two weeks every summer on my grandfather’s farm, where I was always entertained by the selection of amazing farm animals there. My favorite farm animal was the lamb. When it was lambing season, I just couldn’t wait to get to the farm.
There is just something about the lambs’ little heads, their tiny hooves, and the smell of a lamb’s fresh wool that makes me feel completely at peace. When I color pages that contain lambs, I feel that same sense of peace, and I can imagine I am back on the farm with the little fuzz balls romping around and bleating while they look for a bottle to suckle from.
The First Lamb Coloring Page
My favorite coloring page choice to share with my youngest daughter is lamb coloring pages. These are my current top favorites: Since my youngest is still small and can’t quite stay in the lines, I started her with a fun lamb coloring page. To me, it embodies innocence, playfulness, and peace. When I helped my daughter to color the wool a rich golden color, I could just about smell that fresh lanolin scent and the twinkle in the lamb’s eye seemed so real.
Even the flowers around the lamb seemed happy to be there. What a happy and peaceful scene. My daughter was a bit worried that the little lamb may be alone, so she wanted to color a page where there were some lamb friends too.
I adore the accuracy the creators used to capture that romping lamb movement on the coloring page. My daughter told me she knew just how the bell sounded around the leading lamb’s neck, and she sang the sound to me as we colored.
She chose to make the lambs in colors that represented innocence to her, so we had a yellow lamb, a light pink lamb, a purple lamb, and a blue lamb. The last two lambs were colored a peach and strawberry red color. While I’m sure the farmer would have had a heart attack if his lambs were indeed that color, my daughter enjoyed being creative, and I was so happy with her design that it was pinned to the fridge door for a month.
Learning About Lamb Patterns
We soon began to talk about the way the lambs had curly wool, which seemed to cover their bodies in spirals. My daughter loves the idea of a spiral. I think it’s because the spiral slide at the park is her favorite place to be. So when she began to color this spiral wool lamb, I couldn’t restrain my giggles. We had so much fun coloring the spirals that make up this lamb’s wool. My daughter has shown a real aptitude for colors, and she chooses combinations of pink, lime green, and faded purple with great confidence.
The lamb soon had some zootie socks on. Nursery rhymes are the best for teaching a child about their world, and I love the rhyme about Mary and her lamb. This fun page is ideal for nursery rhymes, and I taught my daughter all about Mary who had a little lamb. So while we color, we are both singing happily to the song. Colors flow from the crayons, and we are both so happy and innocent while we color the lamb.