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Free DESERT LANDSCAPE Coloring Pages for Download (Printable PDF)

Want to experience desert life in pictures? You’re in luck. Here’s a great collection of free printable desert landscape coloring pages. You only need colored pencils and crayons to create beautiful illustrations you’d love.

desert landscape coloring pages

Are you a beginner at working with desert landscape coloring pages? No need to worry. Each coloring page offers kids high-quality art prints that are easy to color. And there are lots of fun activities, such as drawing grass, mountains, leaves, plants, cactus, desert animals, and so much more. Kids can produce a beautiful coloring book to display their designs.

Welcome to our collection of free DESERT LANDSCAPE coloring pages. Click the Desert landscape pictures or illustrations you like and you’ll be taken to the PDF download and/or print page. Every coloring page is a printable PDF and/or can be downloaded.

Dessert Landscapes Illustrations 22 page 0Download/Print
Dessert Landscapes Illustrations 21 page 0Download/Print
Dessert Landscapes Illustrations 20 page 0Download/Print
Dessert Landscapes Illustrations 19 page 0Download/Print
Dessert Landscapes Illustrations 18 page 0Download/Print
Dessert Landscapes Illustrations 17 page 0Download/Print
Dessert Landscapes Illustrations 16 page 0Download/Print
Dessert Landscapes Illustrations 15 page 0Download/Print
Dessert Landscapes Illustrations 14 page 0Download/Print
Dessert Landscapes Illustrations 13 page 0Download/Print
Dessert Landscapes Illustrations 12 page 0Download/Print
Dessert Landscapes Illustrations 11 page 0Download/Print
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Dessert Landscapes Illustrations 9 page 0Download/Print
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Free Printable Desert Landscape Coloring Pages

Hello lovely kids! What comes to your mind if you think of a desert? Maybe a place without humans. Partly right. But did you know that you can find people in some deserts? Read on.

  • All seven continents have deserts. And deserts cover 30 percent of our planet’s land area. 
  • The subtropical and the polar regions have most of the deserts. 
  • Do you know why deserts are called arid areas? Arid is a Latin word meaning dry. Only a few plants can survive in a desert. 
  • A desert receives little rain throughout the year. There are less than 10 inches of rainfall. Can you imagine? That’s why we can’t live in a desert. 
  •  Many desert animals are nocturnal, meaning they get busy at night. They hunt when temperatures are cool after sunset.
  • Which one is the largest scorching desert? The Sahara in Africa.
  • Which one is the largest cold desert on Earth? Antarctica. 
  • Animals have learned to adjust to harsh conditions like extremely hot or cold weather. Some desert animals have a lot of furs to keep them warm. Others have unique hooves like camels to make them light on the dunes. What lesson can you learn? You need to adapt to your surroundings. If you’ve got a problem, don’t complain. Find a solution.
  • Desert land surfaces can be stony, sandy, or snowy.
  • The Sahara covers 12 countries in northern Africa.
  • The Middle East has the second-largest hot desert on our planet.
  • Didn’t I tell you that some people live in the desert regions? Cairo in Egypt and Lima in Peru are the largest desert cities. Nearly one billion people live there. I’ve never been to Cairo, but I’ve read that it’s one of the busier cities in the world. I want to visit it one day and see the Egyptian Pyramids.
  • I talked about the amount of rain in the desert. The rain comes in heavy downpours, causing flash floods. That’s all. Because of this, deserts are dry most of the time. 
  • Let me talk about the daily temperatures. Day temperatures are incredibly high. They can be over 38°C. But they can drop to -3.9°C at night. It’s cold during the night. So, do you see why it’s challenging for humans to live in a desert? 
  •  Here’s more info about animals and plants. During the day, desert animals hide underground, such as the fennel fox. But they become active at night. Camels have humps to store water. What about plants? They have roots that extend deeper into the ground. Their leaves are waxy to keep water for more extended periods. Leaves have thorns, too. Why? To prevent some animals from eating them and reduce water loss through heat.
  • Many deserts are now hotter, drier, and colder. Increasing temperatures, overuse of water, wildfires, dust-and sandstorms, and droughts have led to desertification. It’s the drying of good soil and the loss of vegetation. 
  •  Some animals and plants will disappear from the deserts on our planet because of changing weather patterns. Animals like cheetahs and antelopes are at risk.
  • What examples of deserts do you know? Check out the following list.  


  • Sahara desert
  • Namib desert
  • Kalahari desert
  • Libyan desert

South America

  • Arabian desert
  • Patagon Atacama desert
  • Rubʿ al-Khali desert
  • Kyzyl-Kum desert
  • Kavir desert
  • Takla Makan desert
  • Arabian desert
  • Karakum desert
  • Gobi desert

North America

  • Yuma desert
  • Great Basin desert
  • Colorado desert
  • Mojave desert
  • Sonoran desert
  • Chihuahuan desert

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