One of the rarest creatures in the world is the yak. Yaks resemble cows on the outside, but they have thicker wool. Unfortunately, their habitat is getting smaller every year, and yaks were even listed in the Red Book. Wild male yaks are between 2.2 and 2.2 meters tall at the shoulder, while females measure between 1 and 2 meters.
Yaks have long thick hair that helps keep them warm in the cold places they live. Wild yaks can be black or brown. Some domestic yaks are white. All kinds of yaks have horns. Yaks do not eat meat; instead, they are herbivores. Yaks can live up to 25 years old.
In this tutorial, I will help a little artist improve their drawing skills. In just 14 steps you will learn how to draw a Yak easily.
How to Draw a Yak

Step 1: Draw the Face
Let’s begin our tutorial by drawing the face of the yak. This is mostly found below the head of the yak. To do this, draw a not-so-big horizontal oblong shape on the upper portion of your paper. This drawing looks like an egg.
Step 2: Draw the Head
In continuation of the first step, let’s draw the head of the yak. This must be drawn on the upper portion of your paper. Draw a half oval shape on the top of the face. Make sure that the head is connected to the upper portion of the face.
Step 3: Draw the Ears
Now, let’s draw one of the most important parts of the yak, the Ears. Ears are very useful in every animal so let’s start with the ears by drawing a small, curved line on the right side of the yak. This curved line is facing downward.
Step 4: Add more Ears
I think you need to draw another ear because your yak cannot hear clearly from one ear. Add another ear on the left side of the head. Draw a curved line that is facing downward. Be sure that the two ears are on the same level.
Step 5: Draw the Horn
Yak has a sharp part of its body. This is found on the top of the head. Begin drawing the right horn of the yak. To do this, draw a curved line from the upper portion of the head going upward and make another curved line under the first curve line. Make sure that the two-curve line meets at the end.
Step 6: Add another Horn and the Eye Guide
Let’s continue the horn on the other side of the head. The process is the same. Just draw two curves on the upper portion of the left side of the head. Then, make sure that this curve line will meet at the end of it. For the eye guide, draw two perfect circles inside the head. The left eye is bigger than the right one.
Step 7: Complete the Eyes and add Hair
Let’s complete the eyes by adding eyeballs inside the eye guide. Make sure that the size of the eyeball will depend on the size of the eye guide. Then, on the middle-upper portion of the head draw short hair. Just simply apply the up-down stroke for this.
Step 8: Add the Nose and Mouth
This time we will add the nose and mouth of the yak. Draw this inside the face that you’ve drawn in step one. For the nose, draw two small circles. Then under the nose draw a big letter C facing upward for the mouth of the yak.
Step 9: Add the Body
If we were to describe the body of the yak, it is an irregular shape. It’s up to you how are you going to draw the body and how big it is. But you have to start from the left horn going down to the lower portion of the face of the yak. If you have no idea how to do it. Just follow the image given above.
Step 10: Draw the Legs
Now that we are done with the body let’s draw the partial legs of your yak. Under the body, on the left side draw two capsule shapes and another two-capsule shape on the right side. These legs will overlap with the lower portion of the body.
Step 11: Remove Extra Lines
This time we will erase some lines that are not included in your drawing. Erase the curve lines that separate the body and the legs of the yak. Make sure that the feet and the body are still connected after you deleted some lines in your drawing.
Step 12: Add the Tail and Details
Let’s add a tail to the yak. To do this, just simply draw the curvy line for the tail. Don’t make it long because the yak has a short tail. Then add curve lines on the bottom part of the legs. This will serve as the hoof of your yak.
Step 13: Add Details
The tail of the yak looks so empty let’s add details to it. Add a teardrop shape on the tip of the tail. The teardrop is facing downward, and the other side must be connected to the tail. Wow! The tail looks so good with it.
Step 14: Finish up!
Now that you are done with everything color your yak according to your favorite color. To look more good try to combine two colors just like our reference image above. But you can copy our sample if you love to. Did you enjoy this tutorial? Well, I would say, congratulations on a job well done.
More guide on how to draw other “beasts of burden”: Horse | Donkey | Camel