Donkeys have been the ‘helping hooves’ of humanity for thousands of years – they are the originals for thousands of years – they are the original beast of burden. They are the preferred means of transportation in many countries and situations around the world. Donkeys, unlike horses, are more of an all-terrain animal. Contrary to popular belief, donkeys are highly clever animals.
Donkeys have a lifespan of over 50 years. They are powerful and intelligent animals. A donkey is more powerful than a horse of comparable size. Donkeys, unlike horses, are not readily scared and have a great sense of curiosity.
Training a donkey requires demonstrating to him or her that they can trust you to protect them from harm through words and actions. If we take the time to demonstrate what we want them to accomplish, they will learn. Donkeys are native to the deserts of the world.
How to Draw a Donkey

- Pencil
- Paper
- Coloring material
Step 1: Draw Head and Body
In this step, we just simply draw the two basic shapes, the circle and the oblong. On the upper right portion of your paper draw a perfect circle. This is the head of your donkey. For the body, draw a not-so-big oblong shape on the lower portion of your paper.
Step 2: Add the Neck
We are done with the head and the body. This time we’ll connect the head and body by drawing the neck of the donkey. Draw a short curved line from the lower right portion of the head going down to the body. Then, add another short line from the left side of the head going down to the body.
Step 3: Draw Eyes
This time, we’ll work on the eyes of the donkey. Draw two perfect circles inside the head of the donkey. The right eye will overlap a little to the right side of the head. Then draw a not-so-perfect circle on the lower part of the eyes. Make sure that this will overlap with the lower part of the head.
Step 4: Remove extra Lines
In this step, let’s erase extra lines that are not included in your drawing. Let’s start erasing from the eyes area. Erase the lines inside the eyes of the donkey. Then, erase the lines inside the nostrils.
Step 5: Draw the Eyes, Nose, and the Mouth
Draw a shaded crescent shape inside each circle that is found in the head. Then, add two small circles on the top portion of the nostrils. For the mouth, draw a curved line under the nose. Make sure that the curve line is connected to the head and nose.
Step 6: Add the ears and add details
These ears look like a leaf. From the top of the head, draw two lines that will meet on the bottom part. Then, do it on the opposite side of the upper portion of the head. Inside the mouth draw a small curve line.
Step 7: Remove Extra lines and Add Details
Let’s add details to the ears of your donkey. Draw a vertical teardrop inside each ear. Then, erase lines that separate the neck and the body. Make sure that the neck and the body are still connected after you erase some lines.
Step 8: Draw the Mane
This time, draw a horizontal curve line from the left ear going to the right side. Then from that line, draw a vertical curve line going up. Make sure that this vertical curve line is as high as the ears. Then, from that vertical line, draw a curve line going down to the neck of the donkey. Draw a semi-circle on the lower back portion of the donkey.
Step 9: Draw the Feet
Let’s draw the feet of the donkey. Inside the lower portion of the body draw a curve then this curve line will go beyond the lower portion of the body and enclose this with a short horizontal line. Then, draw another leg on the back portion of the donkey.
Step 10: Erase Extra Lines and add Details
Draw a short line to connect the back leg to the body of the donkey. Then erase the line that separates the leg and the body. Erase the line inside the mane located on the upper portion of the head. Then, add a horizontal curve on the upper portion of the eyes.
Step 11: Add the Legs
Donkeys have four legs so let’s add another two legs to your donkey. Add one leg in front and another leg in the back portion. Make sure that these legs are still connected to the body. Then erase the lines inside the body.
Step 12: Draw the Hoof and Tail
The donkey has a hoof on the bottom part of its leg. Draw a short horizontal line on the bottom part of each leg. For the leg, draw a curve line going upward on the upper left side of the body. Again, make sure that all parts are connected.
Step 13: Add Details
The next thing that we need to do is to add another curve to the tail of your donkey. Make sure that this curve line will meet at the end. Then, on the tip of the tail, draw two curved lines that will meet on the top.
Step 14: Finished up!
Now, let’s color your donkey according to your own personal preferences. You can copy the given color if you want. But if you have your idea on how to color your donkey then go for it. Make sure that the color combination is good to look at. Congratulation kiddo! You made it.