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Free TIANA Coloring Pages for Download (Printable PDF)

Welcome to our collection of free TIANA coloring pages. Click the Tiana pictures or illustrations you like and you’ll be taken to the PDF download and/or print page. Every Tiana coloring page is a printable PDF and/or can be downloaded.

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I highly doubt that there’s anyone who loves Disney movies as much as I do. I am a self-proclaimed fan of anything that features Disney princesses. But, we all know that it’s hard to find a favorite princess because there are just so many of them. Then, when we least expect it, we get to meet the ever so lovable southern girl, Princess Tiana. There are so many reasons why I love her. 

Not only is she relatable for working two jobs while juggling her dreams, but she also pushes against any adversity thrown at her. Her life is as typical as any average person’s. Even when we are busy with our Tiana coloring pages we get to see just how ordinary her life is. But, what more do we know about this princess that makes her so unforgettable? Read on to learn some interesting Tiana facts. 

1. She’s the First Black Princess

If I say that this was long overdue, then it’s an understatement. The thing about Tiana is that she is a record-breaking princess. She became the first black Disney princess in history. Judging from the number of people who flocked to watch her movie, we can definitely understand why representation matters. She helped millions of young girls to feel seen on and off-screen. Our Tiana coloring pages also show that she is the epitome of representation. The different hues of colors are something that we all can enjoy coloring in. 

2. She is a Feminist 

From a young age, we get to see that our princess doesn’t believe that a man should be the only thing that matters. She grows up to pursue her dreams. And works very hard to ensure that she makes them a reality. Marrying a prince was the last thing on her mind. We also get to see how close her bond with her mother is. We get to see her for the feminist that she is throughout her life. 

3. She Believes in Family Values

The one great thing that I love about Tiana and her coloring pages is that we get to see the value of family as a continuous theme. Tiana loves both her parents. Her mother goes with her to create dresses for her clients. On the other hand, her father supported her cooking dreams from when she was young. We are always shown that they have a strong bond. 

4. She’s Always Had a Fulfilled Life

The one thing that Tiana shows us is that we should have a great life in all that we do. She makes sure that she maintains a good balance in her life. She has a career, family, and friendships that she nurtures as she tries her best to make her life what she wants it to be. She’s always been a firm believer that simple pleasures like food bring people who love each other together. In our case, we can find that doing these Tiana coloring pages with our loved ones is what we need to come together as a family. 

5. She is a Hard Worker 

While she would spend time wishing upon the stars, Tiana knew that this would only get her halfway. She respected her ambitions and dreams by working hard to achieve everything that she hoped for. She worked tirelessly to ensure that she achieved all her heart’s desires. This is why she worked so hard to save the money that she would need to one day open her restaurant. Her approach to life is something that we can all use to change how we view life. 

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