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Free SCIENCE Coloring Pages for Download (Printable PDF)

Welcome to our collection of free SCIENCE coloring pages. Click the Science pictures or illustrations you like and you’ll be taken to the PDF download and/or print page. Every Science coloring page is a printable PDF and/or can be downloaded.

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Fun Facts About Science: From A to Z!

  • Astronomy is all about what’s up: it’s the study starts, the moon, and the sun. Did you know the sun is just an ordinary star, it’s just really close to us?
  • Biology is all about life! From the humble single-cell organism to the titanic blue whale. The three major branches of Biology are Botany (plants), Zoology (animals), and microbiology (microscopic)?
  • Chemistry is the study of what stuff is made of and is sometimes bubbling beakers and things exploding. People used to think chemistry was magic called alchemy?
  • Dinosaurs lived millions of years ago and their name means Thunder Lizard. Did you know pterodactyls aren’t technically dinosaurs; they’re a pterosaur.
  • Ecology is a branch of biology and studies habitats, the plants and animals in them, and how they need each other.
  • Fossils are part of paleontology, the study of dinosaurs and ancient life. Did you know some historians think myths of dragons came from early fossil finds?
  • Geology is the study of rocks. Minerals like diamonds are made by extreme heat and pressure deep underground and obsidian is volcano glass.
  • Herpetologists learn about lizards and amphibians, from the tiniest dwarf gecko to the biggest crocodile.
  • Ichthyology isn’t icky at all-it’s the study of fish. Did you know about 250 new species of fish are discovered every year?
  • Jet propulsion is using explosions to move something. The space shuttle and bottle rockets both use jet propulsion to fly into the sky.
  • Kelvin is a temperature that’s as cold as it’s possible to get! High-speed trains and supercomputers both need super cold parts.
  • The laboratory is where all the fun happens because it’s a room set aside just for science. Clean and well-lit, messy, dark labs are only in movies and TV shows.
  • Microscopes are for looking at things close up, REALLY close up. You can see things under a microscope you’d NEVER be able to see with just your eyes.
  • Nucleus is the center of an atom, the basic building block of everything. Every atom is surrounded by at least one electron. Adding and removing electrons are fusion and fission.
  • Oceanology is the science of the world’s oceans, their ecosystem, waves, and currents. Did you know the surface of the moon is better mapped than the bottom of the ocean?
  • Physics is the study of how matter and energy move, from simple machines to cosmic events. Did you know matter is energy?
  • Quarks are so incredibly tiny it takes the best microscope in the world to take even a blurry image of one. Did you know quarks are the smallest unit of matter science has discovered so far?
  • Radiation is invisible rays but has a huge effect on the world around them. The sun causes tons of radiation, but too much is bad. Some kinds of radiation are totally safe, many are not.
  • Science is looking at things carefully. Try not to mess anything up and look closely; think about why stuff is the way it is and then make experiments to see if you’re right.
  • Telescopes look at things far away. Just like the lenses in someone’s glasses bend light to help them see, a telescope focuses light from far away, making it look close up.
  • The universe is where we are, but it’s everything everywhere, too. Cosmology and astronomy study it, and physics looks for laws that govern it.
  • Vibrations are super important, not only to make music or in machines, but quarks seem to vibrate as part of their structure, too.
  • Waves are studied by all kinds of scientists, from oceanographers to physicists. Did you know that light acts like both a wave and a particle?
  • X-rays are used to take pictures of your bones because they are tiny enough to shoot right through your atoms! A little bit is OK but too much can hurt you.
  • Yellow Dwarf is the type of star our sun is because it’s actually kind of small compared to other stars. Did you know the smallest, coldest stars are called brown dwarfs?
  • Zoology is the study of animals, from the smallest frog to the mightiest whale. Did you know there are hundreds of new species discovered every year?

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