Welcome to our collection of free RAIN coloring pages. Click the RAIN pictures or illustrations you like and you’ll be taken to the PDF download and/or print page. Every RAIN coloring page is a printable PDF and/or can be downloaded.
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What do you think of doing on a rainy day? A set of coloring pages for a rainy day might be a fun activity to do for a few hours with your kids after school or at home on a day off. Coloring is a relaxing activity that you can do while listening to music or watching TV. You can use colored pencils or crayons and decide what colors to fill in the spaces of rainy day coloring scenes available. There are many free VN coloring pages with the rainy day theme that you can download and print to use on a rainy day at home afterschool or during the weekend. Rainy days can be boring and finding some interesting activities to do will make the day go better.
Rainy day printable coloring pages are free and you can color them with crayons, colored pencils, and magic markers. The colors you choose to fill in the drawings can be your personal choice. On a rainy day, coloring pages show young girls and boys wearing raincoats and boots carrying an umbrella, and walking in the rain. The scenes show clouds in the sky and raindrops coming down. Rainy days happen all year, but especially in the spring, summer and fall. Walking in the rain outside with an umbrella can be an activity to combine with the rainy day coloring activity. Walking in a mild or moderate rainstorm with an umbrella can be fun after coloring or vice versa.
Some rainy day coloring pages show a duck or bear standing in the rain with an umbrella. There are various themes and scenes to choose from. Tell your children to pick the one that most interests them. There are rainy days coloring pages with two children walking in the rain under an umbrella. Another coloring page has a man walking with his dog in the rain holding his umbrella. What color will you choose for your umbrella or raincoat? You can choose any color: yellow, red, blue, green, orange or pink with polka dots. Coloring is a creative activity that can be part of a rainy lesson plan at home or in school.
Some rainy day coloring pages have just clouds with raindrops coming down or umbrellas. What color will you choose for your clouds? Other rainy day scenes have clouds, landscapes and lighting, another element of rainy weather. The rainy day coloring pages can be used to teach your children about rain and the water cycle. It is used to water plants and grass, and provides water to streams, rivers, lakes and oceans. There are many videos on YouTube geared towards teaching young children about what causes rain and the water cycle. Combined with coloring on rainy days, videos will make an interesting lesson or activity.
VN rainy day coloring pages have an upbeat, optimistic theme. They show you children, adults, and animals having fun walking and playing in the rain. The characters seem happy, curious, and energetic and they have coloring pages for younger and older children. Coloring on a rainy day can be a fun activity to include in your routine. The coloring pages can be used to reward your children for completing their homework or doing chores for you. You have many rainy day themes to choose from that are interesting and upbeat. Why not consider coloring on the next rainy day you have at home or in school? This activity will liven up the day and is educational too.