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Free NEW YEARS Coloring Pages for Download (Printable PDF)

We all look forward to starting our year afresh. This is why New Year’s Day celebrations remain the most popular throughout history. It’s important for our kids to know and understand the traditions behind this special day. Having New Year’s Day coloring pages is a great way to ensure that our kids know why we always look forward to this day. The thing about the beginning of the year is that it has a rich history. Moreover, there are many interesting traditions that have evolved since it was first declared a holiday. Going through these festive coloring pages should help us to teach our kids more. Let’s keep on reading.

NEW YEARS coloring pages

Welcome to our collection of free NEW YEARS coloring pages. Click the New Years pictures or illustrations you like and you’ll be taken to the PDF download and/or print page. Every New Years coloring page is a printable PDF and/or can be downloaded.


More Holidays & Events coloring collections: Reindeer Coloring PagesElf Coloring PagesSnowman Coloring PagesGhost Coloring Pages | Halloween Coloring Pages| Christmas Coloring Pages | Candy Coloring Pages | Pumpkin Coloring Pages |

5 Popular Facts about New Year’s 

1. A lot of people would be surprised to find that New Year’s Day dates back to when Julius Caesar was still alive. He was the first person who decided that this day would be a holiday. In addition, he named the month after the Roman God, Janus.

Nowadays, it has become a symbol of new beginnings. With many of us looking forward to starting afresh and writing down our resolutions for the year. Unfortunately, for our kids, it usually means that the school holidays are nearing an end. 

2. Many of us have thought of scribbling down our resolutions on the 1st of January. It has become so common that studies report approximately 45% of Americans who fall under these stats. There are lots of things that we promise to do when the year begins. This can be from trying to lose weight to packing our kids’ lunchboxes better. However, these same studies also suggest that by the end of the second week of January, almost 25% of us give up on making our resolutions. So, if doing more coloring pages with the kids is something that we’ve decided to do more of, we shouldn’t wait until the new year to do it. We should grab our color pens and start doing this now. 

3. There is always a myth surrounding most holidays. It’s no surprise that there is this one for New Year’s Day. According to tradition, we should eat more leafy greens on this day. Apparently, this is how we can ensure that we achieve a year that is full of prosperity and abundance. In fact, we should be eating legumes on this day. It makes sense why we often see people eating black eyed peas on this day. Perhaps, when our kids read this fact while coloring on this festive day, they’ll be motivated to eat their greens more. 

4. It’s always important for us to make sure that we spend this day with the people that we love the most. The thing is that who we spend this day with matters. It can set the tone for us for the rest of the year. Moreover, if we’re in a relationship with someone. Legend has it that when we didn’t start the year with a kiss from our significant other, it can signal that our relationship is headed for some rocky times. So, a kiss on the first of the year is very important. 

5. Disney World is known as one of the most popular destinations on New Year’s Day. Most people want to see the fireworks display. Plus, it’s a great way to make sure that our kids also enjoy this memorable day. Second to this destination is Time’s Square in New York City. Attendees want to witness the ball drops when the countdown is finished. According to research, the ball has been dropping since the 1900s. The only time when it didn’t drop was during World War 2. 

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