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Free LORD OF THE RINGS Coloring Pages (Printable PDF)

I am really an avid fan of Lord of The Rings and want to find a way to incorporate it into my hobby of coloring. There are several coloring pages that are available with this movie as a central theme and can have a different setting from the movie.

lord of the rings coloring pages

Also, since this movie is based on a series of works in the form of books, it seems as if the possibilities for each coloring page are endless. In addition, here are some tips that can be used when coloring for this specific movie’s theme. To better understand each coloring sheet that you might encounter, the focus will be on the characters in the movie.

Welcome to our collection of free LORD OF THE RING coloring pages. Click the Lord of the Ring pictures or illustrations you like and you’ll be taken to the PDF download and/or print page. Every Lord of the Ring coloring page is a printable PDF and/or can be downloaded.

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Mirkwood Prince

The Mirkwood Prince Elf is known as Legolas Greenleaf, and when coloring this character, you may encounter more details to fill out. There are several ways that you can color this character, and a good coloring tool that you can use other than crayons is coloring pencils.

When looking for Legolas coloring pages to work on, it is important to note that you may encounter other names instead of the most popular ones. The name you may encounter is Greenleaf and it is the same character.

This character lived in the woodland realm and the coloring sheets you will encounter usually have a woodland background adjacent to this character. It is possible to find this character along with defense weapons such as a bow and arrow. It is possible to be more creative when coloring these types of sheets with this character.

Mayor Frodo Baggins

Mayor Frodo Baggins is a character that has many adventures to tell, and it can be fun coloring any sheet with this character. To better understand which colors to use when using this sheet, the typical description of Frodo is brown hair. It is possible to find other coloring sheets with him holding a weapon as a defense. His main weapons of defense are sting and barrow blades.

It is important to know that Frodo was a Hobbit of a Shire, and this means that you may counter a lot of outdoor scenes in forestry. When coloring this character, I found that it was necessary to have extra shades of green and brown.

Old Grey Beard

Gandalf is an exciting character to color, and there are many famous lines that he is known for in the movie. When coloring Old Gray Beard, I found using different colors such as silver and grey alongside each other creates an exciting picture to look at.

Gandalf’s weapon of defense was mainly his wizard staff, and it is possible to find his staff in many coloring pages alongside him. Traditionally, when coloring, this character it is important to note that his eyes are blue, and he is an older character.

Gondor’s King

This is an interesting character to color because he worked as a ranger living in the midst of many common men and other characters. What many characters did not know is that he was the king of Gondor, and had ties to the elvish world. This character lived to be over 200 years old, and you may encounter many themes to color this character at the forefront. To be prepared to color this character it is important to have an array of colors for each theme.

Sneak of Shelob

The Sneak of Shelob is better known as Gollum and is a fascinating character overall. One of the interesting facts about this character is that he was once a Hobbit, and became this character over time. This character lived to be almost 600 years old and can be found in a variety of themes. I found preparing to color this character to be fun because more creativity can be used with colors.

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