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Free Great White Sharks Coloring Pages for Download (Printable PDF)

Printable coloring pages often feature great white sharks with open mouths that are lined with small, sharp teeth. That portrayal is based on the animal’s reputation as a vicious killer in the underwater world. Other great white coloring sheets feature sharks with a mischievous grin. That goes back to the shark’s reputation as being incredibly smart, witty, and stealthy when it’s time to hunt for a bite to eat.

Great White Sharks Coloring Pages

You may not want to run into a great white shark while splashing in the waves of the ocean, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy an up-close shark adventure. Coloring pages are the perfect way to play with a shark from the safety of your home.

Welcome to our collection of free GREAT WHITE SHARKS coloring pages. Click the Great White Sharks pictures or illustrations you like and you’ll be taken to the PDF download and/or print page. Every coloring page is a printable PDF and/or can be downloaded.

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Fun Facts About Great White Sharks

Sharks live in oceans around the world and prefer cool waters. They’re often spotted close to the shore and can swim close to 40 mph. They reach those speeds thanks to strong tails that push their bodies forward rapidly when flipped.

Those coloring sheets that feature great white sharks with mouths full of sharp teeth are accurate. These sharks have 300 teeth, and they’re all shaped like triangles and incredibly sharp. They’re known for feeding on smaller fish, so their reputation as vicious beasts of the ocean is quite accurate.

What else should you know about great white sharks when you sit down for a little coloring fun? We have a couple of answers to frequently asked questions about these powerful sharks.

What Color are Great White Sharks?

Do you think great white sharks are simply white? The name refers only to their white undersides. Despite their white bellies, great white sharks are mostly gray. They can vary in shades of gray, and the lighting that captures them for photos may distort their true color to some extent.

When coloring great white shark coloring pages, you can use your imagination. You’re never limited to gray and white, but it helps to know what they look like in real life, just in case you want to color your sharks as true to life as possible.

What Features Distinguish Great Whites from Other Sharks?

It’s difficult to tell some shark species apart if you don’t have professional knowledge. Researchers interacting with sharks and studying them in their natural habitats often place tags on their fins to help with identification. If you don’t have that luxury, you can look at the characteristics of each shark to determine its type.

Great white sharks are known for growing up to 15 or even 20 feet long and have a characteristic white and gray color scheme. Great whites are also faster swimmers than many other sharks and are more likely to leap out of the water than many other shark varieties.

The Fun of Coloring Ferocious Great White Sharks

Great white sharks are fun to color because most people will never encounter one in daily life. You can color images of birds or worms and go outside to see them in real life. You don’t want to encounter a great white, and that makes coloring them on a printed sheet more exciting.

You can also use great white shark coloring sheets to educate children about the dangers of sharks at the beach. Teach them about the fins and mention how fast great whites can swim. These lessons will fascinate many children while keeping them on alert if they ever find themselves in shark-infested waters.

Printable Great White Shark Coloring Pages Available Now

If you’re looking for something exciting to do with your children, print out a few great white shark coloring sheets. You can also use them for daycare or in the classroom when teaching a lesson on sharks and other marine animals.

Kids and adults of all ages enjoy coloring great white sharks. We offer a variety of images suitable for all coloring skill levels. Enjoy!

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