Free SHOPKINS Coloring Pages for Download (PDF) Welcome to our collection of free SHOPKINS coloring pages. Click the illustrations you like and you’ll be taken to the download and/or print page. Illustration of multiple shopkins with food designs.A cute girl with a beautiful dress surrounded by lots of shopkins.A winking lipstick shopkin surrounded by lots of strawberries, bread, and other fruits.Two girls shopping with shopkins around them.Four cute shopkins surrounded by lots of strawberries and candies.A girl taking a bath with shopkins in a bubbly bathtub.Cute girl holding a hand sprinkler shopkin with two flower shopkins.Cute girl surrounded by adorable shopkins.Adorable girl with beautiful hair and dress holding two shopkins.Illustration of quirky and cute food shopkins.Illustration of a pirate shopkin and two other shopkins beside him.Adorable shopkins taking a group photo.Four adorable shopkins with different designs surrounded by hearts and stars.A princess holding a shopkin bag with two other shopkins beside her.Illustration of two flower Shopkins, one cake Shopkin, and one ring Shopkin.Adorable food Shopkins riding a cart.Food Shopkins in different frames.Cute Shopkins taking a picture with a polaroid shopkin camera.A cute Shopkin holding a shaker and surround by fruits and bread.Illustration of cute Shopkins with girly designs.Food-designed shopkins with stars, heart, and a rainbow.