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Free CROW Coloring Pages for Download (Printable PDF)

Since crows are solid black birds, what fun is there in coloring a picture of one? Don’t just grab a black crayon and fill in the lines. While it’s true that the bird is black, the feathers create shapes and contrast. Instead, coloring a picture of a crow gives you the chance to experiment with shades and tints, highlights and shadows using white, silver, grays, or even brown.

CROW Coloring Pages

Welcome to our collection of free CROW coloring pages. Click the Crow pictures or illustrations you like and you’ll be taken to the PDF download and/or print page. Every Crow coloring page is a printable PDF and/or can be downloaded.

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What Makes a Crow Special?

Crows are extremely intelligent and very adaptable. According to the Audubon Society, crows are among the smartest animals in the world with extensive problem-solving skills. With this high level of intelligence, they tend to recognize and never forget a person’s face once they become aware of it, for friendly or unfriendly reasons.

They are also good communicators. Crows have a loud, harsh “caw” sound. They tend to be social birds, foraging in groups.

Crow Habitat and Lifespan

Crows live all around the world in a variety of habitats. The American crow lives in suburban areas and open spaces where there are trees nearby in North America.

Crows build nests 15 to 60 feet, 4.5 to 18 meters, above the ground with twigs, hair, branches, bark, twine, plant fibers, cloth, moss, or any other materials they find. Their nests are between 1.5 to 2 feet, 46 to 61 cm, in diameter.

Crows can live as long as 14 years in the wild. The oldest recorded wild-living crow was 17 years and 5 mos. old. But, one crow who was in captivity in New York state lived to be 59 years old.

A Murder, Mobbing, and Communal Roosting

A group of crows is called a murder, but don’t let that alarm you. When a crow dies, the entire murderer will gather around the dead bird for a funeral. Part of the process is to discover and investigate what killed their fellow crow.

When the murder joins together to chase away predators, it’s called mobbing.

Crows tend to stay close to the place where they were born, communal roosting, and then help raise other young chicks while defending the area.

Types of Crows

There are several types of crowns, but the most common is probably the American Crow. Don’t confuse them for similar birds, like ravens or rooks.

The genus Corvus includes crows, ravens, and rooks. These birds are all included in the Corvidae family extending to include jays, magpies, and nutcrackers as well.

Crows can weigh between about 12 to 57 oz. and 337 to 1,625 cm. There are about 40 species of crows, and they come in a variety of sizes:

  • The American crow measures about 17.5 inches, 45 cm.
  • The Fish crow measures about 19 inches, 48 cm.

The common raven is much larger, and rooks tend to be smaller than crows and have wedge-shaped tails and light-colored bills.

Scientifically, crows are part of the:

  • Animalia Kingdom
  • Bilateria Subkingdom
  • Deuterostomia Infrakingdom
  • Chordata Phylum
  • Vertebrata Subphylum
  • Gnathostomata Infraphylum
  • Aves Class
  • Tetrapoda Superclass
  • Passeriformes Order
  • Corvidae Family
  • Corvus Genus

There are more than 30 species with the American and Fish Crow being the most common in the USA.

Let it Shine

Crows are attracted to shiny items, like keys, coins, or anything made out of metal. They may swoop down from high heights if they spot the foil on a gum wrapper or items in a trash can that sparkles in the sun.

Don’t Blame a Crow

Often crows are blamed for damaging crops or tipping over garbage. But, in reality, it’s usually a raccoon or other scavenger who knocks over the trash, and other pests who destroy the crops. Although, crows are not too far behind to scavenge through what they want. They actually prevent crop damage by eating insect pests. They forage for dead animals and trash.

Not Picky Eaters

Crows are not picky eaters. They are omnivores, which means they eat almost anything from small animals, mammals, amphibians, reptiles, and eggs as well as insects, seeds, grains, nuts, fruit, arthropods, mollusks, worms, and sometimes even eat other birds who have died.

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