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Free ALADDIN Coloring Pages for Download (Printable PDF)

Welcome to our collection of free ALADDIN coloring pages. Click the Aladdin pictures or illustrations you like and you’ll be taken to the PDF download and/or print page. Every coloring page is a printable PDF and/or can be downloaded.

Aladdin Coloring Pages


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There’s more to be said for coloring the character Aladdin than simply choosing your favorite hues. The beloved Disney character has been a favorite of both children and adults alike for thirty years, and coloring him ignites a spark that becomes a flame in the imagination. Coloring Aladdin is not only fun, entertaining, and inspires a sense of nostalgia, but it brings the character to life as nothing else can. But how do you color the character to do him justice, and fully capture who he is and what he does? Here is a list of simple tricks to color a whole new world for the beloved character who is Aladdin.  

Use different shades of the same color

Aladdin is a very active and athletic character, and that may be challenging to capture in your coloring. From racing through the busy city streets or flying under the night sky on a magic carpet, how do you color Aladdin’s clothing to show movement through the breeze? How do you reflect the light off his clothes while he’s under the sun or sitting beneath the gentle glow of the moon?

Aladdin is also very animated (no pun intended). From exaggerated expressions to big gestures, people cannot help but fall in love with his charisma and charm — including Princess Jasmine. But how do you capture these elements in your coloring?

Straight coloring without using any shading is like having a flat birthday cake — it’s no fun.

Wrinkles in Aladdin’s clothes created by action and movement can be suggested by using darker tones of the same overall shade. Use one shade darker than the color you choose for his skin for his skin’s outline, and you will effectively bring out his form and color it more three-dimensionally.

But how do you know where to shade lighter and darker? First, you must envision where the light is coming from in your picture. If the light is coming from the right, your coloring on the left should be darker. If the light is coming from the top, your coloring on the bottom should be darker, and so on. 

Reasons to color Aladdin

There are so many reasons why people love the character of Aladdin and even more reasons to color him. 

Disney characters always encounter or display a sense of magic, and Aladdin is no different. Coloring something magical is magic-in-the-making, and what could be more magical than a simple man we can all relate to in some way who has a genie, a magic carpet, a magic lamp, and a princess to call his own? Not to mention a pet monkey for a best friend that can take off his hat and say his name to boot. Yes, that’s magic alright. 

How wonderful it is for you to be a part of the magic by coloring the very images that ignite such enchantment in the imagination. Coloring Aladdin is fun, therapeutic, provides a creative outlet, and gives the imagination a workout. 

Reasons to love Aladdin

Aladdin is an enduring character who has captured the hearts of millions for over three decades. For generations, the lovable character who is Aladdin has made people laugh, smile, and sing, thereby causing their hearts to fill with joy and contentment, and their minds with imagination and wonder. 

Aladdin is adventurous, loyal, sweet, heroic, and funny. He goes from being a poor orphan boy to being a prince who wins the heart of a princess. Who doesn’t love that rags-to-riches story? And even more so, who doesn’t love coloring it and bringing it to life just once more for the whole world to stop and enjoy?  

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