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How to Draw a Vase in 12 Easy Steps

how to draw a vase

A vase is a container, often used for flowers and decoration inside the house. There are two ways of making a vase, one is made up of glass and the other one is made of ceramics. The vase has many sizes; some are big and there are also small.

Some people who want to make their own design will buy a plain vase then they will be the ones to paint it. You can make your own design in your vase if you want. In school, we also do vases made up of paper and straw. This is how we recycle the used paper and straw.

Draw a great-looking vase with this easy step-by-step drawing lesson. This is good for beginners and kids!

How to Draw a Vase

Easy steps in drawing a vase.


  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Coloring Material


Step 1: Draw Guide Shape

A circle with a standing line.

This is so exciting; you are going to draw your own flower vase. For as you to be guided. draw a perfect circle in the middle of your paper. Then, draw a long line in the middle of the perfect circle. Make sure that the line will go beyond the circle that you made.

Step 2: Draw the Neck and Foot

Draw the neck and the base of the pot.

The first thing that we need to do is to draw the neck of the vase. Draw a horizontal line in the upper portion of the vertical line that you’ve drawn earlier. The Horizontal line must be 4 inches long. For both sides, from the tip of the horizontal, draw a curve line going to the body of the vase. On both sides on the bottom of the body, draw a 2 inches long slanting line then connected the two with a horizontal curve line.

Step 3: Remove extra Lines

Remove extra detail on the neck and the base.

Our drawing has a lot of extra lines that are not included. Let’s erase those lines, to begin with, in the upper part of the vase, erases the curve lines that separate the neck and the body. Then below erase the curve line that separates the body and the foot of the vase. Do not include the vertical line.

Step 4: Add Details

Draw the detail of the base.

The next thing that we need to do is work on the bottom part of the vase. Draw a horizontal oval shape on the bottom of the vase. Make sure that the oval shape will overlap the bottom part of the vase and the oval shape should occupy the flat area below.

Step 5: Remove Extra Lines

Fifth steps in drawing a vase.

Now that we have already formed your vase, let’s erase the guidelines in making our vase. Erase the vertical line in the middle of the vase. Then, erase the horizontal and curved line on the bottom part of the vase.

Step 6: Draw the Lips

Draw the lips of the base.

Since we are done with the body, let’s draw the lips of your vase. To do this, just draw a horizontal oval shape on the top area of the vase. Make sure that the oval shape will go beyond the flat area on the top of the vase.

Step 7:  Remove the Extra Lines

Remove extra lines on the lips.

In this step, let’s remove some extra lines in your drawing. The first thing is, to erase the curve line of the top portion of the vase. Then, followed by the flat area on the top portion. Make sure to erase only those two lines that I mentioned earlier.

Step 8: Add Details

Draw the details on the lips.

To make it more attractive let’s add more details to the lips. On the top area of the vase, on both sides, draw a short vertical line going up. Make sure that the lines are parallel and not so long.

Step 9: Add more Details

Draw the top detail of the vase.

The next thing that we need to do is enclose the top portion of the vase. Draw a horizontal line to connect the two short vertical lines that you’ve drawn earlier. Make sure that the horizontal line will not go beyond the vertical line that you’ve drawn earlier.

Step 10: Complete the Lip

Complete the lips of the vase.

To complete the lips of the vase, draw a horizontal oval shape on the top of it. Half of the oval shape will be drawn outside, and the other half will be inside. Make sure that the oval shape will not overlap with the edge of the vase.

Step 11: Add Design

Draw the design for the body of the vase.

Now we are on the most exciting part of our lesson, which putting design to our vase. In doing this make a repeated horizontal curve line. Draw this repeated curve lying on the body of the vase. Start at the bottom of the body of the vase going up. Make sure that the distance between the curve lines must be observed.

Step 12: Finish Up!

Final steps in drawing a base with colors.

Good Job Kiddos! You made it! Now let’s apply colors to your vase. The colors that are applied will be up to you. Be sure that the color combination of the chosen color must be good for your eyes. If you want to add some flowers to your vase, then you may. It would look a lot better if you have it.

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