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How to Draw a Mammoth in 10 Easy Steps

How to draw a mammoth.

Are you familiar with the movie Ice Age? Yes, this cute mammoth is in that movie. This cute mammoth is an extinct genus of mammals that belongs to the family of elephants. The Wolly mammoth is the same size as the African elephant. They had long tusk that they used for fighting and digging up snow and food. Their tusks are larger than an elephant’s but they have shorter tails and smaller ears. 

Are you ready to make your own mammoth? Here’s our step-by-step tutorial on how to draw this cute mammoth.

How to Draw a Woolly Mammoth

Steps on how to draw a woolly mammoth.


  • Pencil or Marker
  • Paper


Step 1: Start with Head and Ear

First step in drawing a woolly mammoth.

Begin your cute mammoth by sketching the head and the ears. Draw a circle in the center of your paper. You can use an object to erase a perfect circle. For the ears, make a big inverted letter C on the right side of the head. This letter inverted letter C is facing inside the head and will overlap a little. 

Step 2: Draw the Trunk

Second step in making woolly mammoth.

A Mammoth has a long nose and a trunk. Now, in preparation with the nose, draw a long curve line from the upper left portion of the head then drag it down. After that, enclosed the big inverted letter C with a curved line. See the reference image above for you to be guided. 

Step 3: Add Details to the Trunk

Third step in drawing woolly mammoth.

In continuation with the trunk, continue the curved line that you have started earlier. This trunk looks like an inverted letter J. Make sure that the trunk continues to the head. Then erase the curved line inside the ear.  See the reference image above for you to be guided. 

Step 4: Draw the Eye Guide and the Mouth

Fourth step in drawing woolly mammoth.

Before we draw the eyes and mouth, let’s enclose first the trunk with a short horizontal line. After that, draw a shaded circle inside the eye guide. Under the trunk, draw an inverted letter V. This will serve as the mouth of the mammoth. Then, erase the upper left portion of the head. 

Step 5: Add the Tusk

Fifth step in drawing woolly mammoth.

This time,  let’s draw one of the important parts of the tusk. Sketch a curved line that is facing upward. The tusk looks like an inverted letter C. But again make sure that the tusk is still connected to the lower portion of the trunk and it will overlap with the trunk. 

Step 6: Add the Tusk

Sixth steps in drawing the woolly mammoth.

Now, draw an irregular shape on the top portion of the head. This irregular shape will overlap with the upper portion of the head. This will be the fur for your mammoth. Draw two short horizontal lines connected to the tusks that you’ve drawn earlier then enclosed the two vertical lines with another line. After that, add another curved line to the first tusk to make it thicker. 

Step 7: Add Details to the Tusk and the Fur

Seventh step in drawing a woolly mammoth.

Now, draw an irregular shape on the top portion of the head. This irregular shape will overlap with the upper portion of the head. This will be the fur for your mammoth. Draw two short horizontal lines connected to the tusks that you’ve drawn earlier then enclosed the two vertical lines with another line. After that, add another curved line to the first tusk to make it thicker. 

Step 8: Draw the Left Tusk and Fur

Eight steps in drawing woolly mammoth.

Mammoth has two tusks, now let’s draw the second one on the opposite side. Draw two curved lines from the upper portion of the trunk then drag the curved line upward. This will also cross the first tusk. For the fur, add the up- down stroke on the irregular shape that you’ve drawn earlier. See the reference image above. 

Step 9: Add Details

Ninth steps in drawing woolly mammoth.

The next thing that you need to do is to finalize your drawing by erasing extra lines. Erase the lines that overlap with the first tusk. Also, erase the extra lines that are found in the fur. See the reference image above for you to be guided. 

Step 10: Finish up!

Last step in drawing woolly mammoth.

To finish your drawing, let’s add color to it. Let’s bring your mammoth to life by adding perfect color to it. For the color, choose the color you like for your mammoth and make sure that these colors fit your cute mammoth. Job well-done kiddo!

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