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How to Draw a Microscope in 11 Easy Steps

Few easy steps in drawing a mircoscope.

Did you know that the very first microscopes were used to study insects, and they were nicknamed “Flea Glasses”? This apparatus is a scientific instrument “that produces enlarged images of small objects.” The word “microscope” comes from the ancient Greek words meaning “small” and “to see”.

Using a microscope in your science class would be a lot of fun, as it allows you to access a whole new world that goes unseen by our naked eyes. 

Before the invention of microscopes, people did not realize that germs cause disease, they did not even know germs existed! Instead, people thought that diseases were caused by spells, displeasing the gods, poisonous gases, and many more. But once the microscope was invented and researchers and scientists could see viruses and bacteria, their beliefs began to change.

Would you like to invent your own microscope? Then, try to sketch first in your drawing paper what your microscope looks like and how different it is from the other microscope.  

How to Draw a Microscope

Guides on how to draw a microscope.


  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Coloring material


Step 1: Draw the Base

A line and two oblongs for drawing microscope.

Begin your invention by sketching the base of the microscope. On the bottom part of your paper, Sketch two horizontal elongated oblong shapes. These two oblongs should have one inch apart. Then, draw a vertical line in the middle of the two-oblong shapes. Make sure that this line will overlap with the oblongs. See the image above for you to be guided.

Step 2: Add Details

Second step in drawing a microscope.

In continuation of step one, we will add some important parts of your microscope. Sketch a small elongated oblong shape in the center of the second big elongated oblong shape. See the image above for you to be guided.

Step 3: Add more Details

Third step in drawing a microscope.

In this step, we will connect the elongated oblong with the use of the vertical line. I want you to draw a vertical line from the left edge of the upper elongated oblong shape and then connect it to the oblong shape below. Then do the same on the opposite side. For the small oblong shape above, draw a vertical line on both sides of the small oblong. These two vertical lines will overlap in the upper portion. See the reference image above for you to be guided.

Step 4: Complete the Facial Features

Fourth step in drawing microscope.

Let’s remove extra lines from your drawing to see the improvement of your invention. First, erase the long vertical line in the center. Connect the two vertical line that is found in the center of the big oblong shape. Then erase all lines that are found inside the small rectangle in the center.

Step 5: Draw the Arm and the Tube

Drawing arms of a microscope.

The microscope has an arm wherein we use this part as we are going to hold the microscope in our experiment or even transfer the microscope from one place to another. For the arm, just simply draw a long curve line from the right side of the rectangle to the bottom then go up. On the upper portion of the base, draw a long, diagonal rectangle then connect it to the tip of the long-curved line above. If you are confused, please see the image above for you to be guided.  

Step 6: Add Details

Adding detail to microscope arms.

Let’s add more details to your invention, I want you to draw a curve line on the top portion of the small rectangle that is found in the center of the base. Then, draw another set of a curved line on the top and bottom of the long, diagonal rectangle above. For the arm, just simply follow the first long curved line earlier and always connect it to the base and the top part of your invention.

Step 7: Draw the Eyepiece and Remove lines

Seventh step in drawing a microscope.

The eyepiece is where you found the lens that the viewer looks through to see the specimen. This lens usually contains a 10X or 15X power lens. Now, draw a half-small rectangle with round edges on the top of the tube. After that, erase the lines inside the tube then, on the bottom part of the tube draw a half small square. See the reference image above for you to be guided.   

Step 8: Add Details

Add detail to microscope arms.

The microscope has a tiny part so let’s start adding a horizontal small-thin capsule shape on the upper portion of the eyepiece. Make sure that the capsule will slightly go beyond on both sides. Draw another longer-horizontal capsule shape on the lower portion of the tube. Again, this should slightly go beyond on both sides of the tube. After that, draw another smaller capsule on the lower portion of the half square located below the tube. Again, this should go beyond the half-small square. Lastly, draw a big circle on the upper portion of the arm. This big circle will go beyond the arm of your microscope. 

See the reference image above for you to be guided.

Step 9: Remove Extra Lines and add the Mechanical Stage

Add mechanical stage to microscope drawing.

Remove the lines that are found inside the capsules and the big circle that you’ve drawn in step 8. Then, draw a small curved line on the left side of the tube. This is the part of the arm of the microscope. Add two slanting lines on the left side of the half capsule shape that is found in the center of the base. Then, enclosed the two lines with a short line. 

Step 10: Add Details

Add eyes, tenth step in drawing microscope.

In this step, add a small circle inside the big circle that you’ve drawn earlier. Also, add a small circle to the half capsule found in the center of the base. On the top of the mechanical stage, draw a short slanting line then enclose it with a horizontal line.

To make drawing more attractive and cuter let’s draw the eyes and mouth of your invention. I want you to draw two circles inside the tube then add a shaded crescent shape inside each circle. Make sure that the circle should slightly overlaps on both sides.  Under the eyes, draw an inverted letter C for the mouth of your microscope. 

Step 11: Finish up!

Final step in drawing microscope with colors.

To do the final step, let’s think about the color of your microscope. But in a real scenario, the microscope isn’t typically that brightly colored usually they used lighter greys, and black to the color it’s in. Since this art is yours, then you can freely decide what color you like for your microscope. Congratulations on your invention!

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