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How to Draw a Blue Fish in 12 Easy Steps

Easy steps on how to draw a blue fish.

Bluefish is a kind of fish found in the Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean, Black Sea, Indian Ocean, and the Pacific. It’s a pelagic fish, which means it lives close to the ocean’s surface. They can grow up to 150 centimeters (59inches) in length and weigh up to 15 Kg(33lb). They live to be about nine years old in the water. Bluefish are predators that hunt in small groups of fish.

Now that you know what a Bluefish is, it’s now your time to learn how to draw a bluefish in 12 easy steps!

How to Draw a Blue Fish

Easy steps on how to draw a blue fish.


  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Coloring Material


Step 1: Draw the Body

An oval to start drawing a blue fish.

Let’s start your bluefish by drawing the body of your fish. Draw a horizontal elongated oblong shape in the center of your paper. You can use an object to trace the body of your fish. This shape will be the foundation of your drawing.

Step 2: Draw the First Tail

Drawing the first tail of the blue fish.

This time we will draw the tail of the fish. Draw a long curved line from the right side of the body and slightly go downward. Then enclosed it with another long curve line. This tail looks like a long leaf with a pointed edge.

Step 3: Add Second Tail

Drawing the second tail of the blue fish.

Let’s continue the tail of the bluefish. This tail must be drawn on the upper portion of the first tail you’ve drawn earlier. Draw a long-curved line going upward then slightly overlap to the first tail. Enclosed is the tail with another long curve line.

Step 4: Remove Extra lines

Remove extra lines on the fish tail.

To make the tail looks real, let’s erase some extra lines. Erase the lines that are found between the two tails that you’ve made earlier. Observe that the middle part of the tail looks like a letter V and slightly curves in the bottom part.

Step 5: Draw the Mouth

Drawing the mouth of the fish.

In this step, we will draw the mouth of the bluefish. Draw two curved lines from the left side of the fish. These two curve lines look like a small petal from the flower. Make sure that this two are connected to have a perfect mouth for the fish.

Step 6: Draw the Gill Cover

Drawing the gills of the fish.

Now that you’ve added important details to the stem of your mushroom, it’s time to erase the extra lines. To draw the cover gill, draw a curve line 2 inches away from the mouth of the fish. This curve line will also separate the head and the fish’s body. To emphasize the mouth erase the small lines that are found inside it.

Step 7: Draw the Eye

Draw the eyes of the fish.

The first thing that we need to do is to draw the eye guide. Draw a perfect circle in the middle of the head then, inside the circle draw a shaded crescent shape. This crescent shape is facing on the right side.

Step 8: Add the Dorsal Fins

Drawing the dorsal fin of the blue fish.

Draw a curve line from the upper portion of the body of the fish going upward, then slightly continue the line going to the right and enclosed that with a wavy line going downward. The dorsal fins must be a little smaller than the tail.

Step 9: Draw the Pelvic Fins

Drawing the pelvic fin of the blue fish.

The pelvic fin is found in the bottom part of the body. To do this, you just simply draw two curved lines going downward. Then enclosed these two curved lines with a letter V shape that slightly curves on the bottom to connect it to the two lines.

Step 10: Draw the Anal fin

Draw the anal fin of the blue fish.

An anal fin is found between the tail and the pelvic fin. Draw a two-curve line then enclosed it with a curvy letter V. This anal fin is a little bigger than the pelvic fin. It looks like the tail of a wolf.

Step 11: Add Details

Add details to the fins of the blue fish.

Let’s add details to all the fins and to the tail. For the dorsal fin draw a two-curve line inside going upward. Then draw an additional one curve line in between the anal fin and the pelvic fin. Make sure that the lines are wavy going downward. For the tail, just make a smaller version inside the tail you’ve made earlier.

Step 12: Finish up!

Final steps in drawing a blue fish with colors.

In this step, you will be showing your coloring skills. You have the freedom to choose the color for your fish. But it’s better to choose a color that is mixed with blue since your drawing is a bluefish. You can also copy the given color in the image.

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