Welcome to our collection of free SOCCER coloring pages. Click the Soccer pictures or illustrations you like and you’ll be taken to the PDF download and/or print page. Every Soccer coloring page is a printable PDF and/or can be downloaded.
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There is no better way to get us to bond as a family than when we watch different sports. Football has been part of our American sporting tradition for as long as we can remember now. During the NFL season, we are like kids waiting for their favorite delivery from Santa on Christmas morning. We don’t have to be die-hard football fans to enjoy this sport. Even newbies can sink their teeth in this amazing sport. So, for those of us who don’t know much about football, these football coloring pages should come in handy for us. Let’s dive right into what the basics of this game are.
On The Field
In our football coloring pages we should notice that a lot of the action happens on the field. That’s the thing with most sports that we get to watch. Before we can grab our coloring pens, we should understand a few things that take place while the players are battling it out on the field.
1. Know the Points
First things first, to cover the basics, we should know how the points system works. We can start off with a touchdown. It has six points, but teams can still gain extra points on touchdowns. Then, we have a field goal. This one has only three points. Lastly, we can expect to find safety points. This happens when the player who has the ball gets tackled in his zone. A player can only get two safety points.
2. The Thin Yellow Line
In our football coloring pages we’ll come across this thin yellow line a lot. So, be sure to have plenty of yellow colored pens, and to know how to color within the lines. The thing about this line is that it’s very important. It indicates how far each team has to go so that it can reach a first down. But, the thing about this line is that the players can’t actually see it. It’s only us spectators who can watch it on screen. There is also a red zone that indicates that the offense side is likely to score soon. And players also can’t see this one.
3. Flag on The Play
Again, we should have a lot of yellow coloring pens to help us understand this one better. We’ve all seen a yellow flag being raised while the game is on. The purpose of this flag is to indicate that there’s been foul play that the referee has witnessed. It can get pretty intense when we’re waiting to find out which player has committed a foul during the game.
But, it doesn’t end with the yellow flag. In certain cases, we can notice that a coach would throw down a red flag. In football terms, this red flag is known as a coach’s challenge. The meaning behind it is that the team that’s been charged with a foul has decided to challenge the referee’s call. Now, two things can happen should the referee toss the red flag. The first is that the play is reviewed, and the foul is reversed. The second outcome is that the play is reviewed, and then the team is still found to have committed a foul. If this is the case, then the team that challenged the red flag is charged with a timeout.
The most important thing about a red flag is that a coach can only throw it within the first 28 minutes of each half of the game. If anything that’s questionable happens within the last two minutes of the game, then it’s only up to the referee to challenge a review of the game.