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Free DANIEL TIGER Coloring Pages for Download (Printable PDF)

When you begin helping your child find Daniel Tiger coloring pages, you may only know your child loves them. You may not know the history of Daniel Tiger and the importance of what he teaches youth. Daniel Tiger was developed by Mr. Fred Rogers. He was more well known as the star and main driving force behind the show Mister Rogers Neighborhood which rose to fame on the Public Broadcast Network. 

DANIEL TIGER Coloring Pages

Welcome to our collection of free DANIEL TIGER coloring pages. Click the Daniel Tiger pictures or illustrations you like and you’ll be taken to the PDF download and/or print page. Every coloring page is a printable PDF and/or can be downloaded.


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Daniel was a key character in the show and is present in many stories. When Mr. Rogers died, producers wanted the love and lessons taught on the show to continue in future generations. From this idea, the neighborhood of Mr. Rogers lived on and the new messenger of his lessons was now Daniel Tiger. Here are some of the lessons Daniel teaches and how coloring pages of these lessons can help your toddler or preschooler. 


Learning how to make friends and how to be good friends are vital in a child’s early development. This is part of their basic social skill structure and helps them expand outward to other areas of their development. In Daniel Tigers’ Neighborhood, there are many friends that Daniel makes and introduces you to. His friends range from other tiger friends to little girls his age and little boys. He even has friends in the neighborhood that babysit him and talk with him. All of these friendships have different aspects to them that your child can learn from. They are also very prominent in Daniel TIger’s coloring pages. 


Sharing toys, books, and even food are all vital in the early educational years. Sharing begins the building blocks and foundation for children to learn the acts of charity, empathy, and even sympathy. They learn to share with those that do not have or share with those who may not have a chance at the same toy, book, or food they have. These aspects of childhood are taught and rooted early. Though they can be taught later in life, they are best taught and put to use from an early age. There are several coloring pages that show sharing, teach an idea of sharing, and can be related into a story form for your children to see examples and recognize examples of sharing. 


Emotions can be a tricky thing for children. Specifically, they can be a tricky thing for children to voice properly. Children may know they are angry, sad, happy, or upset but not know how to tell you they are. They may also not know how to express it properly verbally or nonverbally. The key is can they recognize emotions when seeing them in other people or characters? If you want to test this and begin a way to work on emotions with your child, consider coloring pages dealing with emotions. These pages can show your child who is upset, sad, sick, scared, tired, happy, or confused. As they begin to recognize these feelings in others, they can begin a path to showing you or telling you about their own feelings and emotions. 

Managing Anger

Daniel Tiger has an entire song about managing your anger. He says that if you ever feel angry you should take a deep breath and count to four. He then begins a count from one to four that your child can follow along with. While he is counting to four he is also teaching your child how to reduce their anger and keep it in control. When they begin counting and slow breathing, they are actually helping their anger to reduce and bringing on a sense of calm. This can be depicted in many coloring pages featuring Daniel Tiger and his friends. 

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