I’ve been playing board games since childhood, especially the Brain Quest game. Typically, a board game is a tabletop game that uses pieces — placed or moved on a pre-marked board and include elements like card, table, role playing, and miniatures game, too. Most feature a competition between two to five players. Board games have …
Kids Activities
Whether you’re digging through your old childhood toys or coming across vintage toys in the thrift store, you may wonder if these used toys can have any value. Flipping vintage items–from clothing to knickknacks and everything in between–is a common side hustle. If you’ve visited a flea market, you have probably seen vintage toy vendors peddling dolls from …
There are some card games that just work best if played by two players. These include the all-time favourites Snap! and Cassino. However, many of the more popular ‘bigger’ games can also be played by only two players, including Poker and Cribbage. I have always loved card games. One of my best memories is my …
When you participate in mountain biking, you must be sure to maintain your bike properly. This includes regularly oiling your chain. But how often should you do it? The answer to this question is actually quite simple. You should oil your mountain bike chain every time you ride. This will ensure that the chain is …
Who’s got family that stays close by? If you are like me and have family members in the same city as yours, you probably get many visitors. Or are you the one doing the visiting? Whenever I visit, I’ve discovered that bringing a deck of cards with me usually leads to hours of fun and …
If there’s one universal truth that we can all agree on is that human beings are naturally attracted to trinkets and artsy bits and pieces that can be worn to beautify or used to decorate. Take, for instance, beads. They have been used as far back as archeologists can dig. What I find even more …
At some point, our family had over 100 board games. One of the biggest challenges we had was trying to find ways to organize and store these games properly. At the end of each fun session, the games always end up stacked up in a closet somewhere haphazardly. Well, this presented two problems. The first …
A board game is more than just a way to pass the time on a rainy afternoon. It is about collaborating, or competing; inhabiting an existing world, or creating a new one; and about spending time having fun. Boardgames can be played as a group, or on your own. To be played alone, a board …
Board games cost a lot of money because of high production costs, niche popularity, and the more complicated nature of many games. Board games are a relatively recent addition to human culture. While games such as Mancala and Chess have been around for centuries, the concept of a mass-produced game that focused around a map …
Board games bring people together with an activity that takes the focus of the gathering. When you want to spend time with a specific person and stay entertained, try bringing out one of these games that can be played with just two players. Classic Board Games for 2 Players Classic board games have the advantage of …