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Can You Use Water with Colored Pencils?


Colored pencils are a very fun way to create some beautiful works of art. Additionally, they are sometimes used by children for their coloring books. No matter how you use them, they are a lot of fun. 

Colored Pencils for All 

Colored pencils with reflection on flowing water.

Many people appreciate using colored pencils to get their art projects done. They like the fact that they can literally color something any way that they want to, and they appreciate that colored pencils are affordable and accessible. They feel like a step up from crayons in terms of their maturity level, but they are still easy to get when necessary.

Also, they come in every color and shade that you can imagine. It is hardly any surprise that people love them so much, but it is important to understand what colored pencils can and cannot do. You would hate to ruin your colored pencils before you even had the chance to really get them out and in use. 

Using Colored Pencils with Water

Art materials including colored pencils and water color.

Some people would like to blend their colored pencils with water to create a different effect on the work that they do. They might wonder if they are able to do this without causing any damage to the colored pencils in the process. Indeed, this is something that people often wonder about when they are trying to figure out how to get the most life out of their colored pencils while also enjoying all that they can possibly do. 

Most colored pencils that you can pick up in a store are not going to be able to be used in a water solution. This is because the pencils are blended with oil or wax, and those do not mix with water. You will have to simply use them try or you risk ruining the pencils and the artwork that you are attempting to create.

On the other hand, it is possible to get waterproof colored pencils that can work a little more effectively for you. You just need to make sure you seek out the specific watercolor pencils that you are looking for. They should be labeled as waterproof if you are going to try to use them that way. 

Does it Add Value to Add Water? 

Colored pencils with a glass of water on a white paper.

There is some improved value to adding water to your colored pencil artwork. You just have to make sure you think about how the water will impact the specific work that you are doing. If you are worried about colors bleeding over too much, then you are not going to want to use water at all with your colored pencils.

However, this is exactly the kind of impact that some people are going for when they use water on their work. 

The blending of water and color is something that has been considered beautiful for a very long time. People understand that they can blend these two elements together to get the visual effect that they are going for. In fact, this is a visual impact that is challenging to produce under any other conditions.

You should try to savor it as much as possible by using water whenever possible to produce the kind of artwork results that you need. 

Why You Should Buy in Bulk

Closeup of sharpened colored pencils.

There are many good arguments for why you should purchase your colored pencils in bulk. The main reason is that you want to make sure you have all of the colors that you need to create any piece of artwork that you can imagine. On top of that, you need to be sure that if something goes wrong with the first few attempts, you need to be sure to have a lot of backup colored pencils to use in the event that something goes wrong. 

You will pay less per unit when you go with buying your colored pencils in bulk, and you will also have all of the colors of the rainbow that you could possibly want to use to create your artwork. 

People can find the precise color combinations that they are looking for when they choose to purchase their pencils in bulk. They can even shop online to find the exact sets that they need so that they are able to make the pieces of art that they desire. It is sometimes necessary to get a lot of different colors in order to make the kind of artwork that will bowl people over.

You should try to check that out and see which colors you are currently lacking. There is a chance that you may be able to find those colors in some of the bulk packs sold. 

Join Local Art Groups

A group of art enthusiast doing artworks.

There are a lot of benefits to joining local art groups of people who use colored pencils to do their work. These groups are all about sharing ideas with one another about what the best types of colored pencils are and how they might use them to create custom artwork. 

The local groups are great because you can find people who you might want to meet up with to swap art supplies with and trade some ideas about how to create the best-colored pencil artwork. You can even trade ideas about how to mix your colored pencils with water if you would like to. They are the kind of people who have already been using colored pencils for their artwork, and they will know how to guide you in the right direction.  

Other pencil-related posts you may find useful: Can You Knit with Pencils? | Can you Use Pencils on Canvas?


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